How do I find God if I want to find him?

by Singing Man 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Hamas

    Its a big question to answer.

    If you question EVERY belief you have ever held dear, you will find your answer.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    KISS (keep it simple, singingman)....God cannot be found in a book, a building, or a does not take formal prayer to address Him.....just talk to Him in your mind and from your heart....He will hear you....and He will just hafta listen for His answer....sometimes a small voice in your mind that you KNOW isn't your own thought....sometimes in nature there will be signs around you....He teaches each one who seeks to "listen" for His answers.....

    Frannie B

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Have you dialed 411. (pun intended)

    Guest 77

  • AGuest

    It is quite easy, dear Singing Man... and peace to you!

    Start here:

    John 14:6

    I have given you that verse, rather than simply tell you what it truly means, because many are not open to hearing the Truth; they simply want to read about Him. I do not know yet where you stand on this, so I've given a starting point.

    This, too, might also help:

    John 5:39, 40; John 7:37, 38

    All you need... is faith... the size of a mustard seed.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Have you tried looking in the telephone directory? an advert in some church rag? a note on the wall outside of your supermarket?

    What about asking a policeman? the lost and found at a department store? how about the nosey neighbour that always seems to know everything?

    You could try shouting out "god! god! - are you there?"

    Just don't be disappointed if he either cannot, or doesn't want to be found.

    Be thankful you have cheeses in your life.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    one day I woke up to the fact that the ONLY god[s] I knew about were in books. I was an idea which I had never seriously challenged. So now after many years of challenging this idea, I find the following... no god[s] needed to explain anything, no god[s] required for any reason, and no god[s] necessary for my contentment or sense of morality. I realized something often overlooked... no one argues that something has eternally existed since no one seriously believes that something can arise from nothing. even the quantum hard vaccuum is not nothing but a seithing sea of virtual energies... whether this eternal existance is call god or just ultimate reality, it did not make itself and thus has no control over its own nature. I see that we are all whatever that is, there is no reason to believe that any part of ultimate reality should be seen as God apart from all others. There is no evidence that any part of ultimate reality has any super powers to make it even seem like a god to the rest of us.... and no way to tell if an alien being who possess higher technology could not simply pretend to be such a being. I have come to believe that all of us are interconnected into the one whole while still retaining our own individuality, ONE and MANY. a Paradox but not a contradiction. We are all as drops of water in a single ocean sharing the waves as our collectively shared view of reality.

    The bible god shows an all too human face all to often. repenting of evil thoughts [ex 32:14] blessing war crimes [numbers 31] being far less than all knowing [genesis 18:21-22] and being far less than almighty as in the book of Judges where Jehovah was with the people but could not defeat one enemy because they possessed Iron chariots.

    As to Jesus, the book Pagan christs shows over 13 godman myths prior to him with the same basic themes. There is no actual evidence aside from scholarly opinions that Jesus was even a real person. All historical references outside the bible are made by people NOT ALIVE at the time and thus only reporting hearsay at best. And the bible itself shows that the first preacher of Jesus who actually wrote anything never met a flesh and blood man, but only a risen visionary christ whos name not coincidentally was a common name widely known to mean YHVH is the savior... like many literary characters being named after their job functions.

    People fear that life would have NO meaning without a god existing... yet that is not where meaning arises. there is NO meaning OF life, there is only meaning found by the living. If it has meaning to you it is because you care about it. you care about it because you are aware that it can alter your contentment and by extention the contentment of others whos lack of contentment would effect your own. the life of most animals seems completely meaning less to us watching them live and die so quickly, but while they are living them their lives are full of meaning to them.

    as to what happens after death--

    I have never known a single moment when I did not exist and never shall.

    if my death is the end I wont be around to care. if it is not the end but a transition to another level of existance, I find no reason to believe that what I do in this life will control all of eternity... to me that is just plain silly.

  • Satanus

    A question for you zenman, but first, i want to say that i like what you've written. Ok, i have meditated a bit. I have tried to observe the observer, as they say. If i said that the observer is 'god' or gawd, would you agree? If not, then what is your estimation of the 'observer' in us all?


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    I often call the ultimate reality G.O.D. or Generator Of Diversity. and by this I mean everything and everyone together as a whole, not a detached god who seeks to impose his insanity or opinion upon us.

    I call the observer the dreamer since he is what his true nature dictates, which he himself did not make, whether god or not. The dreams arise within his mind of that nature's activities. whether he controls anything at all is hard to say since that is a lot harder to define than it seems at first glance.

    after all the concept of freewill is something I find a bit mythical

    if your actions have causes, are they free? if uncaused, are they willed? is there a third alternative which is neither cause or uncause?

  • ClassAvenger

    Look for Him and He'll come to you.

  • donkey

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