They are running out of people to do their stuff.

by liam 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DesirousOfChange
    the elders have absolutely no idea what goes on.

    I'm not so sure that is true. All those "old" elders were young at one time. It's the elders who converted to JWism that can be tough on young ones. They were "worldly" when sowing their oats so it was OK for them, but they will often hold a JW youth to the "higher" JW standard. An elder who came up born in probably still carries some guilt from their own conduct as teenagers.

  • blondie

    Actually elders do keep secrets from other elders, mostly new ones not knowing the tactics yet, but even elders keep secrets from long-time elders. Like agreeing to something in private at an elders' meeting and then announcing what the chief elder wants not what was voted for. Many, many secrets, not in every congregation but in too many. Even secrets from the circuit overseer. (a more appropriate word is "lies")

    "the elders have absolutely no idea what goes on."

  • LongHairGal


    That was very smart of you to put together a retirement package when you were relatively young (early 30s). That’s what I did. Only I am a woman and was never an MS.🤣

    It’s too bad that ill treatment and adversity made you do this. So, if you were treated better back then, you might be in a serious predicament today! I’m sure you realize now (as I do) that it was worth every penny in the end to be treated badly by ignorant people.

    I think the religion is sunk if all they have are very young elders! These young guys won’t have what it takes to hound people like the older men of the recent past who are mostly deceased by now. (Not that this would be well tolerated now.)

    These young guys are also less likely to be nasty and over-righteous and say absurd or boundary-crossing things like I experienced years ago with deluded older men there - but I resisted.. Nah, they didn’t get anywhere with me.. I am Out many years and good riddance to it all.

    But, the point being: these young elders won’t be able to guilt trip or manipulate anybody.. And the religion is ALL about manipulation, IMO.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    This young teenager is instructing resurrected ones how the generation doctrine was later found to be overlapping once the light got brighter and peoples' minds got dimmer.

    I predict this is how the JW sheeple will be led after WT runs out of gullible teenages to do their dirty work:

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Through the years Timothy has been 16 years old, mid 20s, and in his 30s depending on what the story point needed. They added a successful rich businessman father to the story. Maybe he was actually an orphan or bastard.

  • ElderBerry

    18yr MS 21yr old elder and CO at 23? What next GB at 30🤣

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    They'll open MS and eventually elder to women. It will take a while, but in my opinion it is inevitable

  • blondie
    Officially appointed MS, probably not, but do all the duties of an MS, but without any recognition. In the long ago past of the WTS, many congregations were all women. So they would wear head coverings and do the duties except those that required an elder, then one was assigned from another congregation or directly from headquarters, or the equivalent of a circuit overseer back then.
  • Journeyman
    They'll open MS and eventually elder to women.
    Officially appointed MS, probably not, but do all the duties of an MS, but without any recognition.

    Yes, the Org would probably argue that 1 Tim 3 makes it pretty clear that both elders and MS should be male: "a husband of one wife", etc.

    But as Blondie says, congregations have made use of women before whenever there were insufficient suitable men around, and a lot of congs today have already got sisters doing microphones and working the sound desk, etc, due to the shortage of males stepping up.

    They could always create a new internal role of "female MS" (Ministering Sister? Sister Servant?), rather like they did with "pioneer" - which is basically a made-up role with no actual scriptural basis too - and they could use examples like Dorcas and Lydia and Phoebe who were known to actively help in their congregations.

    Presumably, it would be inferior to the MS role in terms of hierarchy as they would claim elder and MS are specifically defined in the Bible and are of course given to men - but the only way I can see them getting around the lack of available males in the longer term is to formalise an administrative role for women equivalent to that of MS. They could give sisters all the off-platform tasks of an MS (literature, accounts, microphones, etc) and just keep the on-platform talks for the males, since that's what they consider the key difference - teaching to the congregation.

    I can think of some elder's wives who would probably love being given some fancy title and a more formal structure to their getting involved in the congregation. Some of those kind of JWs love all that, fussing around over details of how things are done.

  • DesirousOfChange
    Presumably, it would be inferior to the MS role in terms of hierarchy

    THAT is the only way such a thing could happen. Those old farts really BELIEVE women are inferior. Just google Sam Herd's comment on the size of women's brains.

    (Wonder how he feels about blacks turning white when reaching perfection? Yeah, I know -- OLD LIGHT.)

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