Experience given @ Phillipines Memorial Talk on JW.Org

by smiddy3 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy3

    And I would like as many as possible to view it and comment on it as possible because I cant believe they are still pulling this shit and the Rank & file are still lapping it up .? In this year of 2020.

    I`m sorry I do not have the nouse to make a link or attachment or whatever and hope someone can do so .

    I know, I had doubts about looking at it also , its on JW.org ,whats new or something Phillipines Memorial and an experience was given their about a young pioneer girl that had eyesight problems and how she got her doctor and hundreds more to go on line to watch the special talk

    And they even went on to say they had 30,000 non JW`s log on to the special talk.? Seriously ?

    Please look at it and comment ,it was sent to me by an old "lost" friend . And I quote : "Good info tonight about inactive ones returning"

    I look forward to your comments .

  • alanv

    The org has the whiole world to pick a good story from. Its really not that hard. Wont change the fact that they have almost as many leaving by the back door as those coming in the front door.

  • Atlantis
  • joe134cd

    Be interesting to check the validity of it. If anyone can comment from the Philippines. Thanks

  • waton

    This high tech blib, hides a troubling reality in that country, where the restrictions have hit the lower class hard. normally living at the subsistence level, now not able to follow that daily routine, working as a washerwoman , now walking to market, ( motorcycle "taxis" banned), pioneering.

    The ministry, like explaining the overlapping 1914 generation.

  • Gorbatchov

    A docter with the name André, heard from a speaking snake, that some Smurfs told him to watch the online meeting.


  • nowwhat?

    What they don't mention is after watching the memorial talk most said "wth was that?!"

  • Wakanda

    The canned compliments to the JWs "innovative" use of technology give it totally away. Who else would use on-line services for church??? You guys are amayyyyzing! (They could have put up ONE, just ONE meeting to YouTube when this started, but they'd rather scramble and not have a meeting than do that!)

    Years ago my husband tried to talk to a doctor about blood in the bible. The doc pulled out his phone to look up the scripture. For years afterward we were still getting parts with "Wow, you have the bible on your phone?". Yeah, everyone's a luddite except JWs now.

    It is a bragging piece about their virtual meetings and a guilting piece to preach even if you have no legs, sight, or hearing. So feel bad, very bad if you are not writing letters all day or texting everyone in your phone.

    How the heck can anyone get 30,000 people in one meeting? Zoom taps out at 1000 from what I know, but I'm not even at beginner level when it comes to Zoom or other on-line meetings. So, what do I know. Also, when I try to join a zoom meeting and it is at it's limit, I just wait for the replay (that's how my normal-non jw clan does it). How in the world would someone not be let in, then another person relay and add those people back in? Would they get an email? What? It is such a lie. Reminds me of the moniker bethelliesalot, good one.

    BTW, the Philippines is full of cults. I can imagine people leaving theirs to join JWs and visa versa.

  • Listener

    It reminds me of when they began cart witnessing and started out in just a few cities to test it out.

    The success reported was completely exaggerated and it became clear what a flop it was when they went full scale on it.

  • Fadeaway1962

    Philippino people like America and the Catholic church is loosing it's influence over the people and their is a lacks men to serve as priests etc , so if any truth in the report the people might be drawn to a American cult that promises something better.

    How many of that 30000 believed that they qualified to go to heaven to be with Christ as a high percentage of them are of a Catholic upbringing.

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