Is there ANYTHING at all you think the borg was right about?

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 14 Replies latest social entertainment


    I'm not suggesting that the borg is right in itself. But can you think of anything the borg taught that was actually beneficial and good?

    Just as an example:

    • I use to be a smoker but when I started to study I gave up my 30 a day habit because I was told it was wrong. I had tried to give up before but failed every time. My incentive to give up now was fear of displeasing god. So maybe the reason for giving up was pathetic, but it had a great result for me and my children. I don't believe people who smoke should be df'ed but I have seen the benefits of giving up.
    • I also didn't get involved with anyone for the same reason I gave up smoking. Again, pathetic, but it was good for me and my kids to not have a relationship with someone (some turned out to be really undesirable) at a time when I was still very vulnerable and disfunctional.
    • After 7 years in the borg, I married a most wonderful man who happened to be a brother. I met him there and he's turned out to be the best thing to happen to me in the borg! He helped me leave and now we are both out and very happy.

    So by fluke I did benefit by being in the borg. Yes, maybe I would have given up smoking eventually and picked a good man without being a dub. But the fact is it happened while I was in. So I see those 3 things as positives. Not the borg itself being positive, but in it I got something which turned out to be good.

    What about you?????????

    Cheers, Bliss

  • Maverick

    They spell Jesus name right. Even if they don't use it much. Maverick


    LOL@ MAVERICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Scully

    Well, I owe them a vote of thanks for showing me the kind of "rotten fruit" they produce. And for teaching me to read the Bible. It showed me just how to identify false prophets. They also showed me that people reap what they sow. Their Karma is biting them in the ass now.

    Love, Scully

  • SM62

    I definitely think there are some things they teach that do us good. You mentioned giving up smoking - that's got to be a good thing. Also, they do encourage people to be moral, not to over-indulge in alcohol, don't do drugs etc - it's just a shame that a lot of JWs ignore the advice. Bad language is another thing - I hate bad language and JWs do teach that you should not swear etc. I know a lot of people don't follow this though.

    The trouble is, what the WTS teaches and what it does are often two different things. They say that we should follow Christ and develop a Christ-like personality which is excellent advice. But Christ was kind and loving and forgiving and went out of his way to help people. He didn't burden people with petty laws or make them feel worthless. I don't see anything loving about the WTS and their shunning policy. Also, they are pretty cowardly when it comes to exposing child abuse in their ranks. It's no good preaching that these things are wrong if you condone it by your actions - or rather inactions.

    It all sounded so lovely in the beginning when I first became a JW. One day we would see a peaceful world without war, full of loving people who respect each other and want to do what's right. The chance to see your dead loved ones again. A spiritual paradise now where brothers and sisters will always be there for you. The reality was pain and rejection. The JW love is conditional love and I can do without it.


  • Dimples

    Hi Bliss,

    My husband who was never a jw told me that my experience as a witness has made me a better person. I agree. I practice what they taught about marriage and family life and things here at home couldn't be better. I was a good person already but I think the experience wasn't all bad and it did have some good in it. So whenever I am down in the dumps and think about how much time I wasted on the jw's my husband is there to cheer me up and tell me to look at the positive and not the negative. I think that is helping me in the healing process. I will be out for 4 years in December by disassociation. Life is great!


    I was a good person already but I think the experience wasn't all bad

    Good point Dimples.

    I will be out for 4 years in December by disassociation. Life is great!

    Good for you. I have been out since fading 1 year ago. Life should be great.

    Cheers, Bliss

  • stillajwexelder

    Smoking is bad for you, christmas is pagan, drunkeness is bad for you but drinking in moderation is good for you; no such thing as hellfire, no such thing as the trinity --- er that is about it

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "Religion is a snare and a racket!" - they were right about that...

    I think it is important to recognize that some of the benefits mentioned so far are not UNIQUE to Dubs: for example, your doctor will tell you to stop smoking. I'm not sure that anyone should be grateful for having the "fear of god" drummed into them - there are more positive ways to get the same results.

    For what it is worth, your doctor will also suggest that you avoid obesity and limit your consumption of alcohol - the Watchtower Society has not yet experienced these revelations from the Holy Spirit.

    As an atheist/secular humanist/objectivist/Jedi knight, I know that ethical behavior and morality are not the exclusive domains of religion. In short, I believe there are kind and compassionate atheists, secular humanists, ojectivists, and jedi knights, because I am one.

    If we limit the discussion to "what beliefs that are UNIQUE to Jehovah's Witnesses do you believe you benefited from?" the list becomes more meaningful (and much shorter).

  • Dansk

    Yes! To stay away from the internet - you just might find the truth on Simon's forum out there!


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