Who are your top 10 Actors/Actresses?

by talesin 34 Replies latest social entertainment

  • SpunkyChick

    1. John Malkovich

    2. Roberto DeNiro

    3. Kevin Spacey

    4. Christopher Walken

    5. Kate Blanchette (sp)

    6. Al Pacino

    7. Jack Nicholson

    8. Tommy Lee Jones

    9. Johnny Depp

    10. Julia Roberts

  • SixofNine

    Good list Spunky. I like everyone on there, though Julia Roberts doesn't rank so high for me; Kate Blanchette is pretty wonderful. It would be hard for me to call a favorite between Spacey and Malkovich.

  • TresHappy

    I forgot about William H. Macy and Harrison Ford. I can't believe I forgot about Harrison!


    of the Harrison Memory Lapsing Class

  • SpunkyChick

    6of9 - I totally agree with you about the Julia Roberts...hehe...I just couldn't think of another female or male to add to the list. *shrugs*

  • WildHorses

    I'm not going to number these since I like them all equally.

    Louis Gossett Jr.

    Samuel L Jackson

    Whoopie Goldberg

    Susan Sarandon

    Richard Gere

    Robert DeNiro

    Denzel Washington

    Meg Ryan

    Ray Liotta

    If I see a preview of a movie staring one of the above listed, I make sure to watch it.

  • WildHorses

    I am so ashamed of myself for forgetting my new crush. A list of 10 is just to short. I just love Colin Firth and Hugh Grant! Did you know they have a new movie coming out?

  • talesin

    All interesting pics.

    Swan - v. good point, some amazing actors never become 'names'.

    Here's mine (all leading actors in no particular order after the first)

    men: AL PACINO, Gregory Peck, Morgan Freeman, Richard Gere, Robert Duval, Robert Downey Jr., Robert Mitchum, Sidney Poitier, Humphrey Bogart & Mel Gibson

    wommyn: BETTE DAVIS, Jodi Foster, Meryl Streep, Kate Hepburn, Kirsten Dunst, Ashley Judd, Cher, Kathy Bates, Sigourney Weaver & Vanessa Redgrave

  • freedom96

    Mel Gibson

    Harrison Ford

    Al Pacino

    Denzel Washington

    Tom Hanks

    John Travolta

    Dennis Quaid

    Jim Carey

    Elizabeth Hurley

    Steven Segal

  • StinkyPantz

    Ditto Nosferatu's list. LOL

  • ozziepost

    1. Michael Caine

    2. Harrison Ford

    3. Hugh Grant

    4. John Travolta

    5. Denzil Washington

    6. Errol Flynn

    7. Colin Firth

    8. Patricia Routledge

    9. Meg Ryan

    10. Billy Connolly

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