Bizarro things the person with whom you studied told you

by berylblue 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • caligirl

    I was raised in it so nothing interesting was ever said to me, but one of my neighbors is currently involved in a struggle to get rid of a witness whom she originally listened to a bit ( I provided her with some reading material). My neighbor took issue over the whole blood thing asking this woman what happened if there was an accident and blood was needed, and this ignorant woman actually said that witnesses don;t have to worry about that because they don't do crazy things that might cause them to get hurt, such as bungee jumping, etc, and that they drive slowly and obey all the traffic laws to avoid car accidents.

  • Hamas

    'Gangster films are wicked, evil and directed by Satan. You should not watch them brother !!'

    - Circuit Overseer RAY SHAH, stupid nothern ass****

    On his next visit, he asked me if I still had a problem with watching 'Wicked Movies'.

    I told him no, I turn them off...... he seemed very pleased with himself.

    Wanting to wipe that smug smile off his face, I replied that I did turn them off..... but only 5 minutes before the end ( WHY ??) Cuz the bad guy die.

  • Insomniac

    From a sister back in Texas, when I said wistfully that I'd love to learn new things, maybe take some classes: "Well, if a woman can read and write well enough to make out her grocery list, she's got all the education she needs!"

  • jwbot

    Insomniac: OH my GOD! That would have been enough for me to slap her face

    -Jess of the bitter feminist class

  • Gadget
    said that witnesses don;t have to worry about that because they don't do crazy things that might cause them to get hurt, such as bungee jumping, etc, and that they drive slowly and obey all the traffic laws to avoid car accidents.

    That woman mustn't of went to the same hall as me. We used to go go-kart racing, rallying etc. And that doesn't include all the street racing...

  • Dimples
    that oral sex was a df'ing matter.

    Like, you would be REALLY DUMB to tell anyone you were doing this anyway.


  • drwtsn32

    LOL!! These are great! I was raised in the borg so I didn't hear any gems like these.

  • shera

    The woman I was studing with told me satan was using my daughter to discourage me from the meetings.She was 2....

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