Ten thousand ...

by Simon 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    so what happens to a poster at 10000, how about they become a "governing body master"

  • cruzanheart

    I like that suggestion, run don't walk! But mine was that Simon be the Formidable System Administrator.

    Simon, thank you for taking the time and effort to keep this site up and running. You will never know how many people you have helped just by being here and letting us say what's on our mind (within bounds of reason). And I'm sure there's a gray hair for every post . . . . I'll count 'em next month in Florida!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    They say a picture is worth 10,000 words. So what is 10,000 posts worth?

    Thanks so much Simon. You've helped a lot of people.

  • Angharad
    And I'm sure there's a gray hair for every post . . . . I'll count 'em next month in Florida!

    He's definately got a few more over that last 3 years

    Happy 10,000th Simon

  • Brummie

    wow @ 10, 000

    Congrats Simon

    Frannie will be right behind you


  • onacruse

    Si, thanks for hanging tough these 3+ years...you and Ang have had such a positive influence in people's lives, including Kate's and mine.

    <<insert appropriate Brit expression of affection here>>


  • Special K
    Special K

    Congratulations Simon.


    what if you could have earned a $1.00 per post that would be $10,000.00

    or what if 10 cents a post. .. then you'd have a $1000 bucks to spend on CHristmas.

    Thanks for the site

    Thanks for all your work

    and Congratulations


    special k

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Simon and family

    Thank you so much for making this THE place for discussing JW issues.

    I cannot imagine all the work you have put in to set this up, constantly be tweaking it to make improvements and the regular maintenance on it.

    And that says nothing about the time and money you have used to provide this service to us for free.

    As many others have said - You will never know how many have been helped by the information posted here.

    I bet you never dreampt this would become what it has or that you would have changed as much as you have when you set this up.

    Congratulations for a job well done - extremely well done

  • Flowerpetal

    Congrats Simon!

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