I willl not be here in 2030

by Phaedra 24 Replies latest members private

  • Phaedra

    14 years from now is 2030.

    I have been on this board since about 1999 (under different user name).

    My goal today is to be far beyond the need of this board in another 14 years.

    If not, then dead.

    This organization has taken enough of my life.

    I can't let it keep taking.

    There is nothing left worth keeping.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Are you still in?
  • Simon

    Wow, you were on this board before it even existed !!

    Well, we started in March 2000

  • Phaedra
    Ha, Simon. My bad. My other alias must have began in 2001. I was thinking of WtNet
  • Phaedra

    I'm not in physically. But the emotional and mental connections are being fed through family. The cut-off-completely-and-relocate-to -a- new -life -where -nobody -knows -me thing just won't fit in my current paradigm.

    Just want to delete the whole hard drive and begin again.

  • Simon

    Relocating is hard and a lot of work plus it's very hard to make a complete clean break for most people.

    You just have to find other things to consume your time and energy.

    Don't reboot ...

  • GodZoo

    Everything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it, so everything in the universe you perceive is specific to you. - Douglas Adams

    So.. It's all in the mind.. change the mind and you can change your entire world without moving an inch.

  • smiddy

    It must be hard , no , impossible to divorce yourself from the cult when you still have family in and are in contact on a regular basis .

    I agree with GodZoo here , it`s all in the mind ....change the mind thinking .

    You say ," the organization has taken enough of your life" think of it this way , you by your valuable contributions on this board have taken away a chunk of the Borgs life , little by little.

    As for 14 years from now , your contributions of insight and wisdom about the Borg may very well have helped heaps of people here , where the Borg may very well , by then, be on the scrap heap , that`s even if they even exist in any form by then .

    Don`t despair , discard negative thoughts and think positive.

    Take care


  • Simple Minds
    Simple Minds

    I am Fading at the moment and I feel raw very anxious and emotional this site is is really helping me cope, reading other peoples experiences helps me feel like i am not alone and all the positive and encouraging comments as well as new ideas and different ways of looking at life is great. but i do hope in 5 years time that being a jw is a distant memory and that i have created a new and fulfilling life form my self out side of jwland, so i think understand what you are saying Phaedra it is that if you are not on this site in 14 years time it will mean you are final free of the jw mentality, is that not what all of us want? i know that is what i want.


  • steve2

    Hmmmm. You need to set a date to generate direction and motivation? Right.

    How long did you say you've been out of the organization? Sounds like you're still kind of wedded to the organization's need-to-announce mentality.

    You might need to re-state your timelined intention to stay on track. Or perhaps set another timeline.

    The countdown has started......

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