Do you address people by their "religious" titles?

by happyout 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • happyout


    I got your e-mail and responded. You're bad, and StinkyPantz tried to warn me By the way, did anyone participate in your neighborhood?

    If I am talking about them to someone else, I use their title, usually for purposes of identification. I guess I am freaked out about appearing to believe someone else's religion by buying into their title. Or maybe that's just my JW mom's teachings coming back to bite me. She was totally against us calling people outside of the borg by any title. Is that a dub teaching, or did my mom make that up all by her lonesome?

    Happyout (always willing to admit her mental shortcomings, few though they may be )

  • Brummie

    my husband insists that I address him as Reverend.

    >insert shocked emoticon here<

    If I asked (let alone insisted) that my wife call me reverend (I wouldnt dreeeam of it even if I held that title) she would tell me where to stick it. That sounds real weird for your hubby to insist. I believe these titles bring a seperation between people. A good freind of mine is a reverand, he would be totally embarrased if I called him Rev, he doesnt like it at all but its just a title that would get him recognised in particular places. But not in the home, he doesnt use that in the church he pastors either.

    I have no problem at all calling people by their religious titles

    Reverend Brummie

  • wednesday

    yes, i refer to the person by whatever name they go by, and if that is pastor, or whatever, then that is what i call them.

    It seems like an unecessary battle to fight.

  • freedom96

    Wednesday summed it up perfectly. I have no problem calling them by a title, and there are so many other things to worry about.

  • happyout


    I don't address my husband as reverend, silly, he insists that I address the Baptist minister who married us as reverend Sorry if that was a little unclear, but you've just given me a good idea for a joke to play on him.


  • Brummie

    Dang, I panic sometimes. Teehee

    I thought it sounded mighty weird. bwaha


  • heathen

    I prefer not to use religious titles but don't have a problem calling someone dr. or professor I think they earn the title when they do so much for people . I think religionists like to be revered because they think that they are speaking for God but I refuse to give them the credit that they so blatantly expect from people who aren't even associated with their church .

  • happyout


    Yeah, what you said!


  • Euphemism

    I don't see a religious title as being any different from a professional title. Using it is simply a form of courtesy. Not using it in places where it is called for by etiquette would, IMHO, be a form of disrespect.

    Which makes me wonder... if Howard Dean wins the White House, would we call him Dr. President instead of Mr. President?

  • teejay

    >>>>> By the way, did anyone participate in your neighborhood?

    Regrettably, no. I've discovered that I live amongst a host of freakin' Commies who wouldn't know their civic duty even if if came up and bit 'em on the booty. Oh well. I did *my* part. All a bruvva can do is all a bruvva can do.


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