Which Rules? Your Head or Your Heart?

by Frannie Banannie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    Bet yall don't know which of the body members rules the body....and why....

    Your head? Because that's where your mouth is?

  • caligirl

    Heart Rules, head filters and tries to create logical action- for me anyways.

    A girl my sister knew had a heart transplant and my sister swears it changed her whole personality.

  • LittleToe

    I prefer to go for a democratic approach to decision making.

    I say "Hands up who wants to do this"...

    Often the one-eyed monster gets his vote in quick, and the motion is carried...

  • blackout


    I think heart but sometimes head

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    hmmmm.....and LOL!! Lots of funny comments, yall....good ones, too....and I've tallied the votes and they're even for Heart, Head, both equally and "other"....however....there's another viable probability to consider....

    IMHO, the Ass (that's biblical, Simon) rules....why? Because no matter where the heart would love to go or what it would love to do....and no matter what the brain reasons is the best place to go or the best thing to do....and even taking into consideration a strong desire on the part of other body members to have their way.......when it's "time to go" and "time to do"....the Ass rules...it tells you when, where and how to go.....usually taking you to "a head"......

    Frannie B

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