by fulltimestudent 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    Useful Information for Students of History - WHY ARE BAT VIRUSES SO DEADLY.

    A bat virus may be responsible for the highly infectious coronavirus respiratory illness in Wuhan China.

    Long ago, when I was growing up in a tiny fishing village on the far south coast of New South Wales, some people still ate flying foxes, which were a type of bat. They were kept in cages "to fatten them up," then killed and cooked. I do not recall any specific sicknesses that may have swept that village.

    Other wild creatures were also eaten. I used to trap rabbits, as did other kids, and I could dry the skins and sell them to a travelling buyer and make some pocket money. as well as often eating wild rabbit stew. Other wild creatures were also eaten, some ate wallabies, and I recall my father catching a black swan, caging it (to fatten it) and it was eaten one sunday in lieu of the usual roast chook (tasted somewhat fishy). Eating wild animals is not that far behind us in contemporary western history.

    And, I should add, indigenous Australians, still have the right to hunt native animals for eating.

    But what can make a bat virus that becomes a human virus so difficult to deal with?

    This Science Daily coverage gives a likely reason:


    The summary reads: "A study of cultured bat cells shows that their strong immune responses, constantly primed to respond to viruses, can drive viruses to greater virulence. Modelling bat immune systems on a computer, the researchers showed that when bat cells quickly release interferon upon infection, other cells quickly wall themselves off. This drives viruses to faster reproduction. The increased virulence and infectivity wreak havoc when these viruses infect animals with tamer immune systems, like humans."

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Here in the UK the advice to avoid contact with bats as they can carry rabies. Not so long ago a young girl picked up a bat in a church and it bit her and she subsequently died.


  • JimmyYoung

    I don't think its bat viruses but viruses that can transfer from animal to human. Not many do but some birds, bats and pigs will transfer.

  • fulltimestudent

    And National Geographic brings us more bat-eaters:


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The ending reveals the source . . .



    At the end of the movie, with ominous music in the background again, we see a bat grab some fruit and drop it to the pigs below. We see the pig get sold and prepared by the chef that holds hands with Paltrow’s character for a photo. And that is presumably how it all started. In real life, it would likely take several contacts between animals and humans before a virus becomes fully transmissible to humans. It’s also unlikely that there was enough virus on Paltrow’s character’s hands to spread and infect other people. -- https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/481652-what-does-the-movie-contagion-tell-us-about

  • Simon

    BioWeapon Research Facilities are also deadly I hear.

  • RubaDub

    When I was a kid I watched Batman on TV with Bruce Wayne and Dick Greyson.

    I never saw any problems. Alfred and Aunt Harriet seemed to be ok. I never saw them sick.

    Rub a Dub

  • smiddy3


    Maybe it was BatGirl ? ,after all it was a female Eve that started all of human-kinds problems in the first place wasn`t it ?

    GEEEZ did I really post this ?

  • WTWizard

    And under what conditions do they live? Most of them live in sub-standard apartments. And by sub-standard, I do not mean the heat doesn't work well or they have rats and roaches. They are crammed into tiny apartments, just as they seek to do here and everywhere on the earth (and, if we get Lizard Warren for president, that animal will put such in motion here so fast we won't know what hit us).

    As if that wasn't bad enough, they have extreme air and water pollution. It is worse than in Los Angeles. The communist government does not respect the environment (and neither do the reptilians that are going to eventually dispossess us from our planet). It is equivalent of smoking 4-5 packs of cancer sticks a day (which only adds to the damage). This pollution ruins your lungs, rendering them susceptible to complications. It takes 4-6 weeks to get better instead of 1-3, and you are more likely to die due to this pollution.

    Worse even than the disease, what happens when Chinese products stop coming? That will create shortages of everything, including food. Not to mention, when panic hits, everyone and their dog is going to wipe the stores out of staples. And it could be weeks before anything more comes in--on purpose. The shortages, and the fights that break out when things are scarce, will kill more than the virus itself. Plus, when you can't get food and proper nutrition, if you do get the virus, you are that much more likely to get seriously sick instead of nuisance sick. (I bet, though, there will be plenty of cancer sticks to go around through this, but I do not recommend getting those.)

    Best bet: Basic preps. Start getting extra cans of items you use. Make sure you have plenty of paper goods, toiletries, and cleaning supplies on hand because there will be shortages of these. Items such as grains (rice, dried legumes, quinoa, and so on) are good to stock up on. Dried milk and dried potatoes are also nice to have on hand. And condiments--it can get tiring to exist on these things without such (and condiments do add vitamins and antioxidants you will be needing). Canned fruits and vegetables are nice (try getting them without added high fructose corn syrup). As for MSG, try keeping that to a minimum but, if you do wind up getting items with this, you are going to need to make sure you get PLENTY of magnesium supplements (which balance off the calcium that glutamate acts on). Canned meat is also good--preferably without added MSG, but if you get some with MSG, you will need extra magnesium.

    And no, the panic does not come from bats--and neither does the communism they are going to use this to push on us. Which are both far worse than the virus itself.

  • Vidiot
    "Why are bat viruses so deadly?"

    Dracula, obviously.

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