Thread Motivation

by StinkyPantz 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz

    Ever wonder why certain people start certain threads? I mean, sure the quizzes are sometimes fun, the "what did you eat for breakfast?" threads can be participated by all; but do people actually sit around wondering what your zip code is?

    My primary motivation is usually to get an opinion on an issue I'm dealing with. As I look over my thread titles I see that they are usual quite personal:

    Therapy: This thread was probably the most beneficial of all of the threads I've started. Not only did I get to express a huge concern of mine, the outpouring of love was incredible. I got a ton of very supportive PM/s in addition to what is seen in the thread.

    Alcoholism: Another concern of mine addressed. Having such a large cross-section of people has allowed me to get experience from all walks of life and all over the world. The advice I've gotten is priceless.

    No Respect: I think everybody at some point in their life feels under-appreciated. I just needed to vent a little.

    Please Convince Me I'm Wrong: One of several threads where I expression religious and spiritual confusion and ask for help.

    I Actually Feel Relieved: My mommy doesn't want me. . I need a hug: My parental abandonment issues.

    College, Working and Kids: Is it Possible: We've decided to have a baby (Advice Needed): These two topics provided me with a wealth of knowledge regarding childrearing. Way better than bookstore literature.


    These are just a few threads I've started during my year here. I've seen some people say that this place hasn't changed them of helped them much. Not in my case. I come here for help and have gained several friends along the way. *My threads let you know what I've been thinking about, what's important to me.*

    Whether it is the fun-loving fluff connoisseurs or the the Bible knowledge authorities, I believe each thread shows a part of us to the world. What do your threads demonstrate about you?

  • minimus

    That I am a very deep Farkel-like thinker.

  • StinkyPantz


    I beg to differ. . .

  • Pleasuredome

    i agree stinky, that threads show part of us to the world. your threads show how intelligent and thoughtfull you are, and that time is well spent reading what you have to say. i think my threads are informative, showing people what they never have seen before, whether they agree with what i've said or not. i think our own threads can be a gauge of our personalities, and can sometimes show our true self, which wouldnt normally come out in the physical world.

  • cruzanheart

    It's a chance to reach out and see what your friends think about something that's on your mind.


  • obiwan

    I'm bored......

  • Aztec

    Most of mine are about sex or politics.

    I don't know what that means....


    PS I love your threads Stinky! You always make me think.

  • iiz2cool

    They demonstrate that I need to get a life.


  • tinkerbell82

    i personally don't start very many threads, and when i do they tend to fall mostly in the fluff category. i certainly hope that people don't assume that's reflective of my entire mentality. for me it's more a matter of what i'm comfortable with revealing here right now. i admire those who, like you, SP, can be frank about issues that they may be personally working through; as it stands, i lack the courage to do so myself. a very few people here know a great deal about me, and that's enough at this point.

    all that to say, i suppose my "thread history" isn't terribly revealing.

  • arrowstar

    I don't know that I've ever considered my motivation. More than likely it's that I feel the need to share something that made me think. Or. perhaps I need to vent because here again something made me think.

    It's no wonder I have headaches with all this thinking...


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