How Much Time & $$$ Did You Waste on JW's?

by Black Man 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    If you could put a dollar amount on it, how much $$ did you waste on the religion? (service, meetings, full-time ministry, contributions, etc.)

  • Nosferatu

    That's one hell of a question. I never put anything in the contribution boxes. I drove to the meetings sometimes. I paid for some literature. Maybe about $50. I was much happier spending my money on cigarettes.

  • onacruse

    38 years x 52 weeks a year x 20 hours per week x $5/ $100K in lost scholarships, and another $500K in earnings (conservative figures)...not to count the advice I got from a very smart man about investments, that I passed up because 1975 was right around the corner (10 shares, $80 total cost, each worth $300,000 now)...

    $5,000,000, easy.

    And I'm at the low end of the scale, compared to many here.


  • RunningMan

    Well, let's see. At least 3000 hours in field service (100 hours/year for 30 years). At least 10,000 hours in meetings and conventions (288 hours per year for 38 years). Personal study, preparing for meetings, time in transit - 5400.

    That's a total of over 18000 hours, or about 9 years of full time employment.

    As for money, I calculate over $7000.

    When you put it like this, they owe me big time.

  • oldcrowwoman

    Too much Visit Smiley Central!

    OCWVisit Smiley Central!

  • onacruse

    RM, you don't say anything about lost opportunities...nomb, but I bet you passed up on some good stuff.


  • JT

    when i look at the natural talent of so many jw= sports, comical skills, just plain dedication to an issue, etc

    we are talking about for the last 100yrs at least some 20-30 million+ lives that have been impacted both baptized and unbaptized

    out of that number i am sure it would have produced some Dr, lawyers, DOT.COM folks, sports stars, movie stars, folks who play in orchestras, scientist, etc who would have earned $Millions$ of dollars

    yet by following the path and instructions of the wt resulted in low paying jobs, low self esteem. mental depression and just A WASTE of ones life selling a Useless product

    the cost is unreal

  • RunningMan

    Actually, I passed up university due to the JW thing, but I did go on take a tech school course in computer programming, then spent a decade getting an accounting degree through correspondence. So, if I had not been a JW, I doubt if I would have progressed any further than I have, although the timing would have been different.

  • shamus

    Not getting the help that I so desperately needed for my clinical depression..... thanks to the WTBTS...

    Not finishing high-school, half believing the hype....

    Not going on to college, uni.....

    Having crappy jobs / half-assed jobs from 17 to 33,

    Indlude interest....

    All that freaking time out in "service"... preaching about how religion was a snare and a racket.... how this world would end soon...

    Volunteer work at quick-builds, cleaning the hall, cutting their grass, while I lived in a half-assed house...

    I would say $1 million. If they were responsible for telling me not to get help from a doctor for my depression, I would want $5 million. Bastards.

    They ruined my life.... a bit. I will rebound, and those assholes can kiss my ass. (yes, I am a bit pissed b/c this is an eye opener for me...)

  • ikhandi

    There is no way I can say I wasted my time or efforts. Reason being I did exactly what I had planned to do. Graduated high school and college and got my graduate degree. Never worked a crappy job while in the org. Owned a two door sports car and drove it out in service because I wanted too. Basically the only thing that really pisses me off is that I let them screw with my mind.

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