Do you respect God?

by micheal 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Hard to respect what isn't there.

  • blacksheep

    "Stinky and Gadget got it straight. How could you respect some one who created our world only to let it rot under the boots of wicked men?"

    Oh, but this just illustrates God's love...he gave humans the opportunity to try to govern themselves, and they've failed miserably. Only those who realize they cannot rule themselves and make decisions outside of God's will will be saved.

    Yes, that's REALLY deserving of is according to the JW's at least.

  • micheal

    Some may argue that God didn't create the human society the way it has been for so long, but he allowed it. Which to me is the same thing. If someone has the power to change something for the better, but instead they just watch and do nothing, they are equally as guilty as the person who caused it.

    I.E. If someone pushed a little child into a lake and walked away, then a few seconds later you came along and did nothing at all to save that child, you would be just as guilty as the one who pushed the child in. So in reality, God is like that man who just watched that child drown and did nothing about it - I don't understand how anyone can respect something like that.

  • kj

    Couldn't you argue that the world is the way it is because society has turned from God? He respects the wishes of people who turn from Him by leaving them alone. So couldn't that be why the world is so terrible, He's leaving those alone who want to be left alone? I respect Him for giving us a chance to take the help He offers through His son Jesus Christ.

  • blacksheep
    "Couldn't you argue that the world is the way it is because society has turned from God? He respects the wishes of people who turn from Him by leaving them alone. So couldn't that be why the world is so terrible, He's leaving those alone who want to be left alone? I respect Him for giving us a chance to take the help He offers through His son Jesus Christ."

    So, as a parent who is actually PRESENT and AVAILABLE to my children, how much respect would I garner if I just left my kids "alone?" Just passively waited till they came to me when they were in trouble?

    I created these beings. I have the responsiblity to train, teach, protect them, and to help them develop slowly and surely to independent, civil, responsible, ethical, productive human beings.

    How rational would it be if I just let them "try it on their own" and once they failed, come crawling back to me. Or if they seemed to be just "loners" leave them alone and assume if they want my advice and help, they'll ask?

    The scriptures are filled with father/son/daughter similarities between God and humans. How would God rate as a parent?

  • micheal

    I really believe that no one wants to be left alone. It's much more about what to believe, and who to trust. I just think that there countless better ways to communicate to humankind than a book that thousands of different religions have interpretations of.

    So quite honestly I don't think people are to blame nearly as much a religionists think they should be.

  • kj

    "How would God rate as a parent?"

    I believe He is the best parent. He seeks us out, we do not seek Him. He gives us free will as to whether or not we will follow Him. And He is willing to forgive any and all sins we commit against Him- something that can not be said for many human parents (especially JW parents who shun their apostate children)! He is not the God the WTS makes Him out to be.

    I am not, nor have I ever been a JW, so I know I can't relate to how many of you feel. But my husband did grow up in a JW family, and he knows a much different God than he did as a child.


  • Uzzah


    But what kind of parent will only let me have a relationship with them via my big brother? I can't talk to my father directly unless I kiss the ass of my older brother.

    You know the first born Son, Jesus?

    Hey don't blame was your illustration.


  • StinkyPantz
    Oh, but this just illustrates God's love...he gave humans the opportunity to try to govern themselves, and they've failed miserably. Only those who realize they cannot rule themselves and make decisions outside of God's will will be saved.

  • kj

    "But what kind of parent will only let me have a relationship with them via my big brother? I can't talk to my father directly unless I kiss the ass of my older brother."

    That would be assuming that Jesus was a mere man- another WT teaching. If you believe He is God, then you have a DIRECT relationship with Him. I know that the trinity is a difficult thing for a lot of people to make sense of, I had a very hard time with it myself. I grew up Bible Student (the ancestors of the JWs) and was taught that Jesus was created. I'm not trying to start a big debate, just stating my opinion. And I know this is not a thread about the trinity, so I will leave it at that. I have a very different "illustration" so to speak of what a relationship with God looks like.


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