If you knew there was no reward for serving God would you still serve him?

by Happythoughts 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tinkerbell82

    well said ash

  • drwtsn32
    Mankind is so demanding on what they want from God regardless if someone believes in Him or not and it's getting on my nerves.

    So we should be content and have complete faith in some invisible being that never seems to do anything for us?

  • ashitaka
    I am no longer controlled by my temper. I'm not controlled by a need for revenge. My life is not ruled by regrets over past mistakes because a) when I chose to do what was right I didn't have to deal with the consequences and b) I know I'm forgiven for all the wrong things I DID do. All of these I directly attribute to God, not my own efforts. That's just the tip of the iceburg.

    Some people use therapy as a way to learn how to control their impulses. You just call your therapy 'Jesus'.

    Give yourself some credit. Whatever bad habits you changed were because of your strength and resolve to change things....not because of some invisible guy who only shows up some of the time, and only in people who are Christians. (remember, good athiests are going to burn!)

    You did those things, you changed your life, and you forgave yourself for what you did. Would you consider yourself 'forgiven' if you were still doing the things that bothered you in your past? Did you change? Then who is the catalyst no matter what? YOU!!!


  • maxwell

    When I was a JW, that was what I told myself, although now I'm pretty sure I was lying to myself. I told myself if I were truly serving God out of love, then the prize is just an extra. I also believed that God defined what was good and what was bad. If God had suddenly decided that it was good to punch out everyone I came across, then I would do my best to do what was good, although I could never imagine that God would define punching out people as good. Hmmm that sounds kind of scary considering what terrorist claim God tell them. Now I know I wouldn't have served got without a reward. Neither would I do it now. Supposedly you love God because he gave you life, admittedly a selfish reason.

  • bebu

    You know, original question was, "Do you think most people would serve him?"

    Actually, apart from a love for whatever's right (truth, justice, mercy, kindness, etc etc), I don't see why most people would. Self-gratification is otherwise the only other force we deal with, it seems to me.

    Speaking of self-gratification, I need a strong, strong cappucino!!



  • micheal
    b) I know I'm forgiven for all the wrong things I DID do.

    If you are saying that God has forgiven you - how do you KNOW? Because someone else told you so? Because your conscience told you so? Did God tell you with his own voice? Did he tell you this over a cup of tea? Did the two of you go for beer and wings together and then he told you this?

    That's what is so insane about all of this. People who are very religioulsy inclined say I KNOW this will happen, I KNOW that will happen. But why did God create us with eyes and a brain when none of us have seen anything happen?

  • Yizuman
    Why do people confess sins? Because they go to hell if they don't.

    Well they won't get to be in God's presence for eternity if they refuse to acknowledge that he/she is a sinner and in need of a Savior.

    Why do people go to church? Because they will be punished by God if they don't.

    A church means "body of believers", it's not a building or a thing. The bible teaches us to not to forsake the assembly of His people. People come together to worship the Lord by songs of Praise and listening to His word. People also come together to uplift each other in the Lord and to pray for one another.

    Why shouldn't people have premarital sex? Because God will smite them like Phineas in the Isrealite camp.

    Because God knows the exact makeup of our bodies. If you had sex with 1000 women, you have just had sex with 1000 different bacterias. Ever heard of AIDS, VD, Herpes and so forth? Man and medicine has (or is has already) begun to understand for the reasoning why we should not have pre-marital sex is because, quite simply, not good for you. It's for 2 reasons, one is for the physical health reasoning and the other is the emotional/mental health reasoning.

    Why do you think there are more divorces than there are marriages today? Think about it.

    Pre-marital sex is one of the top 5 reasons why people get an divorce later after marriage. (the number one marriage killer FYI is finances)


  • drwtsn32
    Why do you think there are more divorces than there are marriages today? Think about it.

    LOL!! Isn't that like saying there are more deaths than births?

  • drwtsn32
    Because God knows the exact makeup of our bodies. If you had sex with 1000 women, you have just had sex with 1000 different bacterias. Ever heard of AIDS, VD, Herpes and so forth? Man and medicine has (or is has already) begun to understand for the reasoning why we should not have pre-marital sex is because, quite simply, not good for you. It's for 2 reasons, one is for the physical health reasoning and the other is the emotional/mental health reasoning.

    So do you believe that God created those viruses in order to punish the sinners who have premarital sex?

  • ashitaka

    My theory of 'God's Forgiveness/love' as applies to Christians:

    They do 'good' things, they go towards heaven, 'bad' things, towards hell, and this either produces a euphoria or dread, and they apply this to God, making an idea reality in their minds with these feelings.

    BAD DEEDS/THOUGHTS=Hell/Eternal Death<-------------------------------------------------------------------->Heaven/Unearthly Reward--GOOD DEEDS/THOUGHTS

    The father up the scale towards heaven, the more 'loved', 'forgiven', 'spiritual' they feel.

    I these feelings are like a human relationship in some ways, but people need to 'spirituality' authenticate it with the scale for a reason. God is never actually telling people he loves them, or giving them a physical hug, or acutally rewarding them in ways that are able to be sensed.

    If your son/daughter/mother/father does something kind, you give them a hug or a kiss, thank them. This makes you feel good. People apply the feeling they get from human relationships and apply it to their idea of God, solidifying His existence in their minds.

    That's why any religous book's reward structure is essential to all religions.


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