Update on my son

by shera 32 Replies latest jw friends


    Shera, this is not an easy time for you.

    Amoeba: very serious!

    When I lived in the Philippines (years ago), some people got that, and it was difficult to treat and it can affect the brain (sorry). The person had to remain on meds for a very, very long time.

    What I remember is, that is transmitted via water (Philippines) mostly. But down there, given some of the squallor and poverty I experienced there, I could see why many of the kids there either died before they reached the age of 5, or were chronically ill.

    I'm going to send Pettygrudger an e-mail.

    She knows quite a bit about autism.

    Shera, I don't know what the problem is down in Nova Scotia, but I find it particularly odd that they won't admit him. Who knows. Not sure if the present provincial govt has cut back funding to the health care system there (Think Ontario), and they have no beds. Shame.

    I'm going to send off an e-mail to someone.


  • Smyler

    I really think you should keep trying the paper, usually The Herald is pretty good when it comes to these types of things.

    Hope your son gets help and treated soon!

  • Billygoat


    Consider PMing Mulan. I've had some health issues in the past and she's helped me. She's an herbalist. There are things out there specifically for parasites. I know Mulan has some items on her website for that.

    I know this may sound crazy...but many people out there are allergic to wheat and don't realize what kind of havoc it wreaks on their systems. Studies have shown that many times children with autism have fewer 'symptoms' when they are on a wheat-free diet. That means no bread, crackers, pastries...anything with wheat or enriched flour. Do some research on 'autism' and 'food allergies' on the net. You'll be amazed at some of the home-based remedies that might prove beneficial!


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    This may be a little crazy, but *we* had the same problem 15 years ago. My son and I had amoebas and giardia. We had a doctor from Russia. He said we should take "wormwood artemisia" for 30 days. He said we should take two capsules, each, for 30 days to get rid of it. We did that, and it was gone. Just a thought.


  • pettygrudger

    Shera - have you considered writing a "social story" with pictures to explain to your son that he must take his medicine? I would try this.

    Show him THROUGH pictures what will happen if he does not take his medicine like a big boy orally (i.e. pictures of the possibility of him being tied to a bed while they put an I.V. into his arm, having to stay in the hospital, etc.).

    It still sounds like you are having serious "compliance" issues - is the Behavioral Modification not working?

  • Wolfy


    Shera my thoughts are with you and your son. Talk to you soon.

    Your friend


  • pettygrudger

    Just thought of something else.

    You may want to try placing a large cushion (couch) on top of him and "sitting" on it (if you have help this would go easier) and then FORCE that medicine down his throat. It sounds drastic, but his health is more important than what others may think - they don't live our life. Or, hide the medicine in applesauce or ice cream (this works w/my son). Also, try freezing the medicine in homemade popsicles.

    The problem with the Hospital is that the only way they will be able to treat him is to tie him either to the bed, or to a papoose board. Is Matthew to difficult physically for you to handle? For a couple of years, medications were given to my son by sitting on his chest & arms (using appropriate force of course) while his dad held his head & then forced his mouth closed. But, we tried writing a social story about his tummy/ear "owies" and then explained how he had to take the medicine or it wouldn't stop hurting

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Shera,

    I am so sorry that your problem has continued without letup. As for the medication, might it be possible to mix it into his food?

    I know - the medication probably tastes terrible. The do what you would do if you were medicating a pet - disguise the medication! You may need to get some empty gel caps from your drugstore and put the pill into the larger gel caps, then mix the gelcap in with his food - something that he would "wolf" down - something of an oatmeal/mac& cheese/stew/icecream consistency THAT HE LIKES. Make sure the food is not too warm so it doesn't melt the capsule. If it is just pleasantly warn he may be more inclined to guzzle the food with gusto.

    It boggles my mind that a so-called "health care professional" can look at a child with a parasitic infestation and say, " I won't do anything about this." WHY? That's what I'd like to know. Do they understand that your kid is disabled? Do they understand that this is not a desireable condition for a child to be in? Do they not have access to the appropriate medications? WHAT"S THEIR EXCUSE?

  • Kaethra

    Hi Shera,

    So sorry for what you and your son are going through. Some of the stuff our government does makes me so angry...bureaucratic bullshit!

    Have you already called the Nova Scotia Health Department? You may get better results if you call MSI first, (MSI is administered by Atlantic Blue Cross Care here), explain your story, and ask that they give you the direct line of one of the "higher-ups" at the Dept. of Health who actually has the authority to cut through some of the red tape. (Executive Director, at least). If MSI won't give you a contact right away, keep calling back until you get your answer. They'll give you a name just to get rid of you, trust me.

    Damn! It's too bad we just had an election. As sickening as it is, you'd be more likely to get a quicker, more favourable result if the powers that be were just a little more afraid of public reaction to your story.

    Keep fighting the good fight!

  • shera

    Hi everyone and thanks as always.

    Petty I have been having an extremely hard time doing anything with Matthew.I don't know if he is uncomfortable,but its just about impossible for me to teach him.I think Matthew's psychiatrist,has realized how hard it is with Matthew. Matthew was in day camp and his son was Matthew's care giver. I think his son told him how hard it is to teach Matthew. Also Matthew hasn't been too well for over a month,he had severe poopies....

    I tried sticking the pill in pudding,his lunch..well..he tastes and knows something is in it and spits it out.With the pudding he swollowed one pill and gagged.Now he won't eat pudding any more.I have Matthew on another medication for his agression..sometimes he will see the pill ..sneak it out and throw it in the garbage..or toss it to the side.

    With forcing it down,I have tried that as well.I have wrapped him in a blanket and sit on him..I have to force his mouth open..stick a sryinge and he will not swollow a bit of it...he spits and throws up.I have done this for a few days and I don't think I was able to get him to take any.Very fusturating.Like I said I tried pill and liquid.

    I'm getting many people involved and I hope something come out of it very soon.


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