Update on my son

by shera 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    Hello everyone,

    I have been still at it to get more help for my son Matthew,well his psychiatrist has been doing as mush as he can.He is great! I will be having someone soon come into my home to help me and my son to learn.I never realized Matthew is severe with autism,until I compared him to other children over the summer.I had Matthew in day camp for most of the summer.

    Well,I remeber I mentioned,the last letter I wrote when I was sooooooooo upset.

    I mentioned Matthew has pinworms and I have a very difficult time getting rid of them because it is very hard to give him any type of medication.He mouths a lot of objects and before you know he picks something up off the ground and in it goes to his mouth.

    I had Matthew into the emergency around a month ago because of ermmm..sorrie for such a gross subject here....for diahrrea.They took another stool sample and it had some sort of crystals in his stool that proves he has a p arasite.When I was in the hosiptial they told me they will not treat him for this....three yrs I have had Matthew in and out trying to get help for this.

    I had Matthew to his psychiatrist,and I mentioned this to him and he looked up his files within the hospitail and the yr before I had Matthew in for tests,and he also has amoeba. The hosiptial has never let me know or my family doctor know of this infection.<----me!

    I went to my famliy doctor and she called the hosiptial to see about this and she prescribed a medication for this,I have had it in liquid form and pill.there is no way I can get him to take this.I called his psychiatrist to see if he could pull some strings to get him admitted,but they refuse to treat him.He has even gotton together with me to try other way tp get Matthew to take it.Nothing will work.

    How long does my son have to be infected with this,before he gets help?

    Well,I have been calling the president of the hospital,still has to get in touch with me..I told them if they do not call me back,They better get used to my voice.

    I'm getting my mla,involved,the health departments and other goverenment places too.I have even e-mailed my local news to see if they can advocate.

    I'm seriously thinking of making up a sign and telling what the deal is and go to the hospital....and I won't leave until they help him.

    I'm wondering if any one elese knows who I can get in touch with?

    I would also love to have some prayers said and what ever way you all believe to sent me some luck for my boy.I'm really at the end of my rope.

    I live in Canada where the health system is suppose to be one of the best in the world,and my son has had these problems for 3 yrs! Sickening!

    Thanks ,


  • frenchbabyface

    (((HEATHER & SON )))

    I hope you'll find out ... Best wishes

  • shera

    Thanks French for the reply...

  • Special K
    Special K

    Gee whiz Shera..

    You are having a bad time getting your son treated.

    I have seen alot of newspaper articles lately about kids who really needed things..

    There was one lately on a kid who really needed a electric wheelchair but healthcare wouldn't pay for it.

    Within the month of the indepth article.. Her son has a wheelchair now..

    I don't know how the newspaper works.. but maybe if you could get a hold of a reporter. they might be interested in doing a feature on your son and his problem..

    That might spark the hospital to do something. Negative publicity sometimes moves mountains.

    Big hugs



    special k

  • jgnat

    From what I understand, the difficulty is getting the medication in your son. I checked, and there is an intravenous treatment, but that may be just as difficult to administer. If my daughter could figure out how to get meds down our cat (brutal but fast - he recovered) perhaps there are new techniques you could try to get meds in to your son. But you shouldn't have to figure this out on your own. I wonder if you could use some extra supports and coaching from the community.

    Please forgive me if you have tried these resources yet, I do not want to insult the monumental effort you have put in to raising your son. Consider these "just in case" suggestions; just in case you have never heard of them.



    If it were me, I would stop battling the whole hospital by myself, and work through my family doctor. Get him to be an advocate for you.

  • shera

    No offense taken,thank you for caring.

    I will look those websites up,any info I'll take.

  • SheilaM

    Shera: I am so sorry that they are letting this drag on. I wish I knew more about the Canadian Healthcare system but I don't. Please keep us posted as to how he is doing.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Shera, I'm not telling you to do this....but.....I've used a BUNCH of home remedies over the years, as a single parent without med. insurance.....the one I've used successfully for pinworms (trust me, the WHOLE FAM has 'em) is to use a LOT of garlic for seasoning....and eat garlic bread....on a regular basis....this not only got rid of them inititally, but acted as preventive maintenance when used regularly by us as a fam.....remember, kids pick 'em up in school ALL the time.....

    I use a diff recipe for garlic bread that makes it specially yummy.....slather butter on French bread, whether in slices or halved loaves......sprinkle with garlic POWDER to taste....then top with a generous layer of Parmesan cheese and broil till golden brown...deeeeelish

    Frannie B

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Down here in health crazy Southern California (the land of fruits and nuts), there is a weekend radio health show that dealt with the parasite problem a few weeks ago. I was kind of channel surfing at the time, and I didn't pay that much attention, except I remember that it is a problem that can be treated wholeistically. The people sponsoring the program have a large health food store down here called Vita Ganza. Go to their website and send them an email, or give them a call. I believe that they can be very helpful. Here's the link:


  • shera

    Thank you everyone.

    My MLA,has just called and they are going to represent me and investigate his background.

    Frannie,the garlic sounds good.Cooties won't be the only thing we will be keepin away..

    Like I said sorrie folks for the subject.Just nice to have great peeps to talk to.

    What I'm more ticked off about is the amoeba,this is something that is hard to catch...but they didn't let me know! tsk tsk...

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