Did Satan lie or was it the truth?

by shotgun 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • shotgun

    Satan the Biblical originator of the Lie...Was he?

    God Told Adam:

    16 The LORD God (56) commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;
    17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it (57) you will surely die."

    What did Satan tell EVE who BTW was not told directly by God not to eat from the tree but had second hand info from her sex deprived husband who probably only told her God said we have to get busy and fill the earth..so lets get jiggy with it.

    Anyway Satan told Eve:

    4 (69) The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die!
    5 "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and (70) you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

    Did Satan lie..They did not die on that day if you aspire to the biblical account they lived for hundreds of years, did they become like God...What did God say in Gen 3:22

    22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

    Exactly as Satan had told Eve and God confirms it. If you notice the latter verse a corresponding ransom was not needed to cancel out the effects of disobeying God, had they eaten from the other tree in the Garden they would have had eternal life.....Waaaazzzzuuuuppp with that, maybe the whole idea of a red pill verses a blue pill is older than you think.

    Jesus perfect body or a fruit from the garden how ccould they be equal?

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey shotgun..

    I'm not really very bible minded anymore..It almost reads like some kind of fable. to try to digest and figure out what it all means.. It makes you wanna take "asprins" and go the the Pugwash THINK TANK.

    The only thing I want to know is if I post a sign on my apple trees to the same effect, then the "feekin" deer will stop eating my apples..

    "From any tree in the Garden you may eat freely.. deer..but not these apple trees...because when you eat from these apple trees you will surely die""...

    If that doesn't work.. I'll just have to get SHOTGUN.. to bring down his "SHOTGUN"..to scare them away.

    special k

  • shotgun

    I have sold all my guns due to the Gun registration but I have kept my flaming sword.....I would fed-x it but every time I do that someone complains about how its so hot... or it sets the trucks on fire..bunch of whiners.

    Have you thought of placing some wt and awake mags around your trees...animals are smart and probably wouldn't want any of that crap to rub off on them...just a thought.

  • Scully


    Satan the Devil said to Eve: "Surely you will not die"

    The Watchtower promises: "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth"... in other words "You will not die".

    Think about it.

    Love, Scully

  • xjw_b12

    I actually think Satan has a better track record in the "truth" column of the bible, then anybody else quoted there.

  • yxl1

    This is the first of many inconsistancies found in this storybook. Did Satan lie? It doesnt look like it. Did god lie? Most certainly. Now if the biblical God lies, the entire book falls apart.

    Jesus cancels Adams sin is one of those stories that is so weak, my 5 years old daughter could probably do better. Say for instance shotgun steals, is caught and the judge demands a death sentence. Up pops Special K who says "I know Shotgun is guilty and that I'm innocent, but if someone has to die, let it be me" I find it insulting that I am expected to believe this "story" as truth.


  • Nosferatu

    That's the first time I've been reminded of the story of Adam & Eve in a long time. After reading Seven's experience, it all sounds pretty fvvving dumb.

    I should write a story of how the tomato came to be. In the olden days before much gradual mutation, vegetables and fruit had the ability to have sex and give birth. Fruit had sex with fruit, and vegetables had sex with vegetables. That is why we have things like the "squash" family, yeah. Anyway, a potato and an apple decided to get adventurous and have sex with each other. When the potato finally gave birth, they couldn't figure it out if it was an apple or a potato. So they called it a tomato.

    There. That story is eligible to be in the bible. The book of Nosferatu.

  • gumby
    What did Satan tell EVE who BTW was not told directly by God not to eat from the tree

    According to the bible perhaps god DID tell Eve directly. When she and Adam were naked and HIDING in the garden.....God said..."did you eat from the tree I commanded you not to eat from"?

    Also the lie from Satan was...."you possitively will NOT die".....not that they would know good and evil.

    So there...... ya little bootwearing, long bearded, apostate heathen bastard!


  • gumby
    Anyway, a potato and an apple decided to get adventurous and have sex with each other

    And that my friends is where MR.Potato Head got his start.


  • funkyderek

    Satan isn't mentioned in this account at all (and barely in the Old Testament). There is no indication anywhere in the bible (except perhaps the book of Revelation) that the serpent in Genesis was anything other than a talking snake. And everything he said would happen happened.

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