Story Time

by joannadandy 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy

    Hey--I could really use some input from parents and kids at heart.

    I am volunteering to do a story time this saturday. I am supposed to read whatever I want to the kids for an hour. I left a message that I would take requests for stories, but so far no one has made any suggestions.

    I am just wondering what some of you would suggest I read. Any family favorites? I am sort of only thinking about my favorites from when I was a kid. I may be up on my lit. but not children's lit. So mine may be a bit old, or out of print and unavailable.

    Any titles you would recommend?

    Sadly I don't know how many kids are going to show up, or at what ages. I would think in under 7, but ya never know.

    So whatever ya got--lemme know! (Not too many big words either please because I do have to read it!) hee hee!

  • Nosferatu

    It might be a good idea to read them some stories from My Book of Bible Studies, or even the new Learn from The Great Teacher book. You might even be able to start a few bible studies!

    You could do what Homer Simpson did and read them the TV guide.

    But seriously, if you want to know what kids are big on, why don't you go to a library in an elementary school and ask the librarian what kids are big on today? I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help.

  • tinkerbell82

    i'm still a huge kid, and i say anything by roald dahl is perfect. i still adore everything he wrote. and there's something for every age group...he even wrote a couple of "grown-up" books. i *love* the wonderful story of henry sugar and six more and the BFG especially, but absolutely anything he wrote will do.

    either that, or the giving tree by shel silverstein, which still makes me cry every time i read it (but in a good way :)

  • Valis

    I think it depends on how long you are going to have to read to them. I like Grimm's Fairy Tales and of course, Where The Wild Things Are..


    District Overbeer

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Depending on their might try the "Harry Potter" series...or "The Wizard of Oz"

    Frannie B

  • joannadandy

    Yeah the only problem is I am only reading for an hour...

    So I was thinking more along the lines of picture books...something that can easily done in an hour...

    The library is not a bad idea...I might head over to Amazon and see what their top-sellers are...

    Thanks for your help so far guys...

  • Aztec

    You cannot go wrong with Dr. Suess! My son is seven and he loves Dr. Suess. Yertle the Turtle and other stories is his current fave. I'm almost sick of it because we've read it together so many times. Kids that age need lots of pictures but they are also developing readers and they enjoy a little bit of a challenge. I think it's very cool that you would volunteer to do that Jo!


  • ApagaLaLuz

    "Crisis of Conscience" is a personal fave :)

    Poetry by Shel Silverstein are great, depending on age

  • jgnat

    Anything by Robert Munsch. I suggest Up, Up, Down if you have really young ones. All of Robert Munsch’s stories are meant to be read aloud, with lots of funky sound effects. If I were the only adult in a room with a bunch of restless kids, I would read Robert Munsch.

    Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish. If your kids are old enough to get puns, they will looove Amelia Bedelia.

    For older school-age boys, I recommend Henry Huggins by Beverly Cleary. Beverly understands boys.

  • Jennie

    Louis Sachers books are wonderful! Especially Holes! It's about this kid Stanley Yelnats, he got arrested for stealing a famous baseball players shoes, Sweet Feet. And he got a choice of going to jail or Camp Green Lake. So he chose Camp Green Lake, and it was a bad camp, because the warden made all the boys dig holes. And the rest of the story is what happens to him at camp green lake.

    You'll really like the book 'cause its a real page turner. ( On the second to the last sentance, and the last sentance, my dad gave me the idea.)

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