"I Guess We Won"t See It In This System Of Things..."

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    That is a common JW statement.... What could they be referring to???

  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    Basically they say that nothing good is going to come out of this "system of things" (aka, before armageddon) so they might as well not try to see the things that they could (does that makes sense?)

  • Panda

    I always thought of world peace.. . Guess we won't see world peace in this system of things.

  • mustang

    Guess we won't see JUSTICE in the WTS in this system of things...


  • Special K
    Special K

    world peace.

    special k

  • minimus

    For those that were thinking of getting married or having children in this "system of things", many said over the years that it would be best to wait until Armageddon is over......Today, I hear most JW's say," I probably won't see the Great Tribulation come in my lifetime. I'll have to wait for my ressurection in the "new system of things". A number of persons decided against going to college to further themselves in "this system of things" and decided to get a theocratic education now. After 1925, I'll bet a lot of people were saying, "I guess we won't see Abraham, Issac or Jacob in this system of things until after San Diego is destroyed".

  • minimus

    By the way, What the hell does "system of things" mean??? That's gotta be a JWism!

  • heathen

    minimus --- I thought you said you were a jw elder? It would seem you would know what they mean be system of things . jesus refered to the current world of man made government as this system of things . To answer the thread question they are probly talking about the arival of the messianic kingdom where the world is directly governed by jesus.

  • minimus

    Of course I know what is in the publications regarding "system of things". But I find it so weird when I reflect upon that expression. Even if you say to a normal (worldly) person,"Well, what do you expect in this system of things?", what could the person actually think that you are talking about? Only JW's use this expression. It is strange.

  • heathen

    minimus---- Religionists always say strange things . Most people in religion even, are not interested in the coming conclusion of this system as jesus mentioned . It is completely scriptural to expect the world as we know it to end at the hands of the messianic kingdom. I wouldn't expect a jw to say that to a non jw tho .

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