Facts or Biasedness?

by Ardian 14 Replies latest social current

  • Ardian

    The Watchtower and Awake have been listed as the most popular magazines.The figures are astonishing. I am not sure whether it is based on reality or not.

    Source: https://tingtopten.com/2020/01/top-10-most-popular-magazines-in-the-world/

    I have seen the link on many social media networks. Can anyone confirm it?

    By the way,I have posted it twice.... but no one answers it

  • Journeyman

    That list seems to conflate "popular" with "most circulated". As some people in the comments on that page have pointed out, the two things are not comparable, and also the WT and Awake are distributed without charge, while the others are actually paid for.

    There are three possible measures:

    1. Most widely circulated magazine
    2. Most widely read magazine
    3. Most popular magazine

    Of those, I would imagine that WT and Awake might top the first list, but it's unlikely they top the other two.

    How do you define a "popular" magazine, if not by sales? Because the reader has not had to part with any of their own money to get it, a free newspaper or magazine may be widely distributed, but may just end up in the bin after a cursory glance. In the UK, we have a free newspaper called Metro which is distributed at bus and railway stations. It's common to see copies all over the seats and floors of trains and buses throughout the day, after commuters just pick one up in the morning, skim it on the way to work, then dump it when they reach their destination. Can it be said that it is "popular"? Perhaps. Or perhaps it's just convenient because it's free and widely distributed.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Well,,,it's often been claimed that the WT and Awake! magazines are equated to a University education.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Nah... most printed magazine is also the magazine most likely to go to landfill or in the fire without being read.


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I always wondered that thought....also.

  • Jeffro

    Something given away for free or sometimes just dumped doesn’t have to be popular. And a 32 (or more recently 16) page magazine made with free labour is not really comparable to magazines with hundreds of pages.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Its a captive audience.

    8 million baptised dubs get a copy each, plus another 6 or so on average for placement. Theres your 40- 50 million without even trying.

    Now, how many of these are actually read cover to cover - even by JW's?

    Of the non- JW's who receive a free copy, how many of them would leave their house and go buy a copy if that was the only way to get it? Probably zero.

  • FFGhost

    They only print one "public" edition of each magazine per year.

    How can a single 16 page "magazine" (with maybe 6 actual pages of text after you take away the 2 inch margins and multiple photos and triple-spaced bullet points) be the "most popular"?

  • punkofnice

    I can't open the link at work. However, I'd ask, how reliable is the source?

    Many sources make many claims.

    Many are just based on limited or flawed data.

    Anyway, what magazines? I haven't seen any.

  • smiddy3

    They maybe and probably are the most widely distributed magazines in the world ,but certainly not the most read magazines in the world.

    And the only reason they are the most distributed magazines in the whole world is because of 8 delusional million or so Jehovah`s Witnesses who donate their time freely to give these magazines away free of charge in their door to door ministry. in their effort to convert somebody .

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