Opinions on drugs?

by digderidoo 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • maxwell

    I've always thought before that all illegal drugs are simply bad all the time. Personally, I have no interest in trying any drug and I sure I ever will. I'll have a drink now and then, beer, wine. I've tried a few more exotic things when I have been out. But I have no interest in finding out what its like to be drunk. If I were challenged to a drinking contest, I would immediately forfeit.

    Now, I still think weed is probably mostly a bad habit, but maybe not any worse than cigs. I watched part of a program on the History channel last night about how drugs became illegal. Weed was legal during prohibition. But later weed along with many other drugs became illegal and sometimes the motivation wasn't simply because its harmful to the users although I don't think that can be denied for many drugs. A few months ago I was with a few ex-JW friends and a couple of them decided to smoke a little weed. It didn't seem to be the horribly negative experience that it is sometimes made out to be. They smoked a little, got a little giggly, but as far as I could tell this was not a regular habit for them although they were both experienced in its use. They're both responsible people on their jobs as far as I can tell. If a person uses it occasionally and doesn't become addicted or allow it to affect their work, family life, etc., I can't see how its any worse than people addicted to cigs or alcohol. I can see a lot of drunks and alcolholics doing much worse in their personal life due to psychological dependence. And some people have much stronger addictions to cigs.

  • Valis

    I think it matters what drugs you are talking about and the method of their delivery...Hallucinogens are not toys,but can be used recreationally. You have to be more careful than even when you drink alchohol about driving, being is a safe place w/safe people, etc...I prefer the natural ones, like shrooms, mescaline, salvia, toad venom, peyote, and yes maryjane, which truth be told I should be eating and not smoking, better on the lungs that way, but one must have a vice or two...To me it really depends on what you want from the experince...If you take a look a some drugs like speed, cocaine, heroin, and other uppers and downers, people sometimes get more than they bargained for and become addicted. Their experince isn't happy for very long.. This doesn't happen with hallucinogens, because of the tollerance your body builds up to them...For instance if you took 8 grams of mushrooms you would have to double that dose the next day to get the same effect...you could see how this would be prohibitive as far as abusing them...The human race has been ingesting things for effect for thousands of years and I doubt there will be any less now or in the future. Just different things, and hopefully safer things than some people use and ubuse now or in the past. Here's a couple simple rules for you that I prefer to live by

    Don't EVER use needles

    Don't take prescription drugs for fun

    Stay away from cocaine and methamphetamines

    Be very wary of ANY designer drug

    Go natural...much safer.


    District Overbeer

  • Valis

    Eh...I dug this up from one of my old posts as well..

    Pot, Reefer, Mary Jane, Marijuana- I give it a yes for recreational use, nausea deterrent, great for brownies and hopefully soon, used medicinally all over US.. "excuse me brother,...I have to step outside and spark a J, my foot is killing me...be back in for the song....promise...." I like Humboldt County pot the best...I miss Eureka and Arcata something fierce.

    Cocaine/Nose Candy-Party drug of choice for many current and former rock stars (small joke) gets a No from me.Can be turned into crack (ick) which I wouldn't wish on anyone. Too expensive and it makes you feel like shit the next day.

    Speed/Methamphetamines: Sure go ahead...take all the fluid from an electric transformer you want and stuff it right into your body, Don't forget that some white trash mother made it in his bathtub....Ruins your teeth and your entire body.

    LSD/Acid-Gets a sometimes maybe, but use w/discretion..right place, right times, people etc as the hallucinations require more control over one's faculties than most people can exercise. Audio/Visual stimulus over the top...makes for a good time to reflect/talk to yourself Most I ever did was about 40 hits. I flopped around in the woods for about a day and a half...it was great.

    X only if its not the heroin speedball w/ a minute amount of MDMA.....mescaline is far better.

    Peyote ---very mellow, causes lucid dreams asleep and awake, tastes not too bad really...no eating before hand if one can help it...save that for the next day when you wake up clear headed and in suprisingly good mood

    Mushrooms...YES..well I'm working on my PHD in mycology as some of you know....waiting for more samples to continue scientific study. good hallucinations up to 5 or 6 peak hours..then mellowness, sleepiness...happiness...

    Hash....few and far between, but yes, if its real....

    Opium...few and far between, but yes, if its real....and I don't have to share....you can smell the poppies when smoking...yummy!

    PCP...one time by mistake. very bad...

    GHB...Sure go ahead....ingest the same stuff they use to clean of circuit boards...be my guest.

    Salvia Divinorum...not a party drug...very short intense hallucinations...also must not be done alone...one needs a sitter to be safe.

    Pills of any kind: I don't like taking pills period, even when I do need them. Not toys...not recreational drugs...bad for your liver.


    District Overbeer

  • obiwan

    Valis, what pharmacy do you work at?

  • Francois

    I have been taking an opium derivitive for pain for over five years. I want off. It's the most terrible thing to live in slavery to this stuff, even when it's legal. And when I can get off this stuff I will never go near anything that even rhymes with opium ever again in my life. You don't know slavery until you're addicted to heroin. Essentially your life is over for all practical purposes.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Well I didn't wait to leave the borg to try pot. But I didn't smoke it very long. Smoking anything clogs up the nose so it's hard to look cool while hacking and fighting all that snot.

    I'll drink a beer or a wine cooler or two on the weekends but that's it. I have friends that are into drugs and they are barely hanging on in school while all I need to do is just do the work to get good grades. I guess I don't want or need them.

  • rem

    drugs are bad, mmmkay.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    My opinion is that there are definitely people out there on drugs. I mean, look around.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    When I was disfellowshipped, I was told by the judicial committee: "God no longer loves you, not for what you do, but for who you are" (exact words). I walked away from the Kingdom Hall believing it. I figured, if I'm some sort of practical joke put on earth by God, then I might as well go out partying. My drinking increased exponentially, and I began using every sort of drug imaginable. I nearly died. Initially, the drugs did what they were supposed to do by providing me escape, but eventually they turned on me. My life eventually revolved around when/where/how I was going to get my next drug. I used alcohol to counteract the effects of the drugs I was taking when I needed to sleep (read: pass out). When I needed to wake up, I used drugs to counteract the effects of the alcohol. I am happy to say that I have been free of alcohol and drugs for 16 years.

    If you believe that you can exercise self-control with drugs, more power to you. Please just remember that they alter your conscious state (why take them if they didn't?), and can give you a false sense of reality. The decision making process can become convoluted. If you consciously decide to choose drugs, please make sure you have a means by which you are able to stop. Drug abuse is so prevalent in today's world because most people think they can stop any time. They do not understand the nature of addiction.

    Having said that, I will say that I am in favor of the legalization of certain drugs for medicinal purposes. I am an advocate of medical marijuana. If drugs are prescribed by competent physicians for specific ailments, I see no reason to restrict their sale.

    However, keep in mind that if recreational drugs are legalized, they will also be regulated by the federal government. This means that they will be taxed to death, like alcohol and tobacco. While possession will be decriminalized, those who can least afford them once they become legal will become the same ones who will use them most. This will lead to a dramatic reduction in drug-related offenses, but may likely lead to increased petty crimes such as theft and burglary. Imagine being the owner of your local convenience store, now stocking legal marijuana cigarettes! If I were that shopkeeper, I'd have to hire round the clock armed guards! Case in point: Cigarettes have become so highly taxed in parts of Canada that convenience stores there now keep their cigarettes in locked steel cages!

  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    If you need an escape from reality, sure take drugs. But I wouldn't, its not good for you in the long run. Of course in Canada, almost half the population does pot, and so do many people I know; the worst things that happened to them is that they are a bit slow.

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