Opinions on drugs?

by digderidoo 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    While i was in the 'truth' i and a few of my peers were curious about the effects of certain drugs. As a teenager during the rave scene of the late 80's early 90's many of the 'worldly' kids were doing ecstasy, smoking weed and becoming heavily involved in the drugs scene.

    When i left the 'truth', this curiosity got the better of me and i started smoking weed and eventually tried ecstasy, speed and lsd.

    While all drugs can be abused (and i have abused some) i am of the opinion that the use of drugs can be a good experience, if used moderately.

    I was wondering whether others have experienced drugs since leaving the truth, i am interested to find out what opinions people have on them good or bad.

    I also wondered whether people feel that cannabis should be legalised. My opinion is that people in power shouldn't tell me what i can and can't do with my own body. I feel that making cannabis illegal somehow glorifies it to kids, in turn encouraging kids to try it.



  • Dimples

    Hi Dig,

    I grew up with my dad smoking weed like people smoke cigarettes. My dad's brain is pretty fried now, has lots of memory loss from early on. My personal experience with people I know who used drugs or is now using is never a positive thing. My opinion and please note, it is just that...my opinion, is to: Just say no to drugs!


  • obiwan

    I have never done any drugs or even smoked a ciggy. Never had the interest. My wife, and some friends she has do smoke weed, much to my displeasure. They have done this since junior high, and I can say some of her friends practically live on it. They can't function without it. All, including my wife, have memory loss from one degree or another. My wife does not live on it, but can't stop either.

    I brought up a thread a while back about legalizing weed. I discussed this with one of my wife's pot smoking friends. We both came to the conclusion that it could be legalized. Even though I don't smoke weed, I think it should be legalized.

    We figured that it could be controlled much like ciggies. You could sell them in packs of 5, the government could tax the hell out of them. People would line up to buy them. You could also specify growers to supply it. There are already field tests that the police have to tell if your high. It could be regulated just like alcohol. Put an age limit on it just like buying alcohol. The US would make money hand over fist.

  • smack

    controlled? er, you mean taxed like ciggies. That's maybe the biggest reason it hasn't been done yet, too easy to grow your own


  • obiwan

    Trust me smack, I've talked to some people who use it here. They wouldn't even bother to grow it if they could go down to the local seven eleven and pick up a pack. We Americans like convience, it would be much easier to just buy them. My friends have already said they would line up to buy them.

  • greven

    Eventhough I have been curious and live in a country that has practically legalized weed I never tried any. I do think weed should be legalized, only to limit the crime that is involved when it would be illegal. Harddrugs like XTC and LSD are devastating. They should never be legalized.


  • Nosferatu

    I was against smoking pot big time when I was younger. Then when I became an adult, I saw more people doing it at the bars and such. So, I finally decided to see what it was all about. Why was this stuff so good?

    I dated a girl who was a big pothead. We sat at my place one night and got stoned. I sat there staring at my cat all night. My throat kept getting dry, and I had trouble walking. The trouble with getting high is you can't do anything to sober yourself up (if you drink alcohol, you can drink lots of water or eat something). After that night, I really couldn't see what fun that was. Alcohol is more fun.

  • yxl1

    I've pretty much tried most drugs. My older half brother was a dealer so I always had access to pretty much anything I wanted. I found that sitting through the Sunday meeting wasnt half as bad when stoned. Going out on the service could even be quite amusing! My sister and I sat through our baptism talk "out of our heads", and giggled through the whole thing. The drug that effected me the worst was alchol.(Mood swings, aggression, tiredness...) I agree that XTC, LSD etall should never be made legal, but I smoke MJ and that should be legal. All this talk about memory loss is pretty much fact, but like anything, in moderation you shouldnt be effected too badly. Err...what was the question again?

  • Undecided

    I have never tried drugs but my step-son and grandson has tried them but didn't continue. From what I have seen from some of my wife's nephews and nieces drugs are a source of big trouble. One of them was shot as a result, stole some of his relatives stuff to get money to buy them and ruined his life. One is now running from the law in another state somewhere as a result and the neice can't live a decent life because of her addiction. That's my experience with them. Stay away from them if you value your independence, since they are the biggest crime instigator there is.

    Ken P.

  • frenchbabyface

    sorry don't have the time to argue :

    A least Know your limits !and remember (BAD DRUG = SAD DRUG !!!)

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