How Extreme Will Witnesses Become?

by metatron 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I think this is a question worth considering - just how extreme will Witnesses become?

    First, the hierarchy: There are numerous accounts stretching back for years of GB members skipping meetings,

    ignoring field service and treating "vital" doctrine in a cavalier fashion. Br. Jackson ( GB- Legal-deceased) supposedly

    made an off hand remark as if chronology was just a numbers game. Other GB members considered dumping

    1914 as a means of saving their "this generation" false prophecy.

    Here's a personal experience. Many years ago, I asked a leading member of the anointed in Bethel how

    we could assure people that they would be provided for materially when some Witnesses may have starved to death

    in WW2. His answer? "David was a rich man who didn't observe the poor starving" ( 'never have I seen the righteous forsaken

    or his offspring looking for bread'). WHY DIDN'T I 'WAKE UP' THEN?!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Take this doctrinal malleability and add the operational needs of covering up scandals, misleading the public (and the friends)

    and THEN throw in the INCREASINGLY OBVIOUS fact that NOT ONE SINGLE belief unique to Jehovah's Witnesses has any

    basis in hard fact - and what happens?

    Maybe just more of the same - Watchtowers that talk about nothing, meetings that go nowhere, cynical manipulations

    behind the scenes, disguised simony ( wanna become an elder? spending some cash on the C.O. helps!) and quiet rot


    And the followers?

    True Believers just go nuts trying to limit their already narrow view of the world to exclude all contrary evidence.

    provided by technology and world events.

    Most Witnesses strive to live a double life - that may include "unrated movies", hidden drug abuse, secret alcoholism,

    faking hours in field service, and paying lip service to everything else.

    When does pretense become too exhausting to continue? Hard to say, some folks do it for a lifetime!

    It will be interesting - and often sad - to watch.


  • shamus

    They will get into urban kayaking, extreme ironing, rock-climbing, preaching door to door with guns, who knows?

  • Bendrr

    Met, I've wondered that myself. They only have two options. Either "mainstream" or become even more hard-line. We have to wonder, with lawyers running the show, which way they'll go. Remember that these lawyers are Jehovah's Witnesses and considering their behavior in past court cases, such as suing a molestation victim for legal expenses, if they do go more hard-line I for one will be very afraid.

    We're talking about a group of people who already take great joy in the fact that their god is going to whack billions of people, including children, simply for not even knowing about him. I wouldn't put anything past them.


  • Valis

    I think they are set up just fine for a long and miserable ride. IMO this will be the case until the rest of the world sees them for something other than an acceptable form of practicing religion.


    District Overbeer

  • integ
    preaching door to door with guns,


    You crack me up....


  • avishai

    This may sound a little out there, but many of them are so out there, that they would be prime for terrorist activity, if the wrong guy got in power. Just one mini-shift in doctrine, something to the effect of, "We have to help armaggedon come to pass." God says so, & then quote some bullshit new light. Not that farfetched at all, if you scare 'em bad enough.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    ...extreme ironing... preaching door to door with guns...



    Actually, nothing, and I mean, NOTHING would surprise me anymore RE the extremes the WTS will take things.

    Even avishai's supposition is possible in my mind.

    Case in point.

    My dear wife has already admitted to me that she expects; and I mean she FULLY EXPECTS, that jehover [read, the WTS] will ask his servants to do something that will seem completely wrong and contradictory to what we would be expected to do as a final test of his servants. It won't make sense at all. It will seem as far fetched, as she says, "as jehovah asking Abraham to sacrifice his only son."

    Friends, [sorry 'bout that word, I cringed too when I typed it] anything and everything is fair game for the die-hard faithful in JW land.


    The thing THAT WOULD surprise me is if the WTS would actually print something like;

    "We have made serious mistakes and errors in the past. We, the publishers of this rag, as the acting GB, ask for forgivness from God and from our fellow servants of Jehovah."

    Now THAT would surprise me.

  • Reborn2002
    My dear wife has already admitted to me that she expects; and I mean she FULLY EXPECTS, that jehover [read, the WTS] will ask his servants to do something that will seem completely wrong and contradictory to what we would be expected to do as a final test of his servants. It won't make sense at all. It will seem as far fetched, as she says, "as jehovah asking Abraham to sacrifice his only son."

    Friends, [sorry 'bout that word, I cringed too when I typed it] anything and everything is fair game for the die-hard faithful in JW land.

    I have heard this rationale too in the times I have encountered Jehovah's Witnesses in recent years.

    About a year ago when I talked to my brother he made statements to the same effect that the WTS and Jehovah may require sacrifices that mere humans cannot understand. It would be a test of faith, and only true and loyal JW's would pull through.

    To steal an infamous line from the user who goes by the name of cruzanheart on this website.

    Kool-Aid anyone? To one day hear on the news that the JW's (or at least a fringe group of them) committed mass suicide would not be a surprise to me.

    They are an extremist cult, and I HATE them.

  • Hamas

    I can't remember the fucking quote, but at an assembly once some fucking circuit overseer said that if we 'had instructions from the king to jump, our only response should be how high?'

    I wonder if the king would ever ask his people to shun their families at the time of the end. The king is a fucking asshole.

  • Nickey

    I once had a fellow witness tell me:

    "If the society told us to get guns and use them, I will."

    Run around in the chaotic streets shooting. Knew a few who were ready to do just that during 9/11.

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