Do Your Own Research.

by LostintheFog1999 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LostintheFog1999

    There were several times when I was inside the congregation that I met up with a problem in my life and on mentioning it at a group I would be told to do my own research about it.

    Of course, they didn't mean for me to research worldly material for the answer but to use the WT indexes and look into the WT Society magazines.

    It was only when I started to do my own research outside of the WT that I began to see the limited scope of the Society's magazines as all problems usually fell into the category of 1. read the Bible, attend meetings, go out on the work, and pray; or 2. this isn't going to be fixed now but in the New World God will sort it out and the former things (what you are suffering from now) will not be called to mind.

    I wonder how many people still in are struggling and are not being encouraged to research away from the organisation where they would receive practical and valuable advice?

  • enoughisenough

    I am not still in, but I think more than ever they are encouraged to research within-being told as they tell the public, go to and the online library. See, they have even made the research easier that way.

  • punkofnice

    Yes. It is very circular with the Jobots.

    They are only allowed to research using JW dot org propaganda.

    The internet really has killed off a lot of their bums on seats though. Long may they fall.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    My perception is that it is now all strong-arming. Essentially the message is : "We have control of your family, you would never go to the whore of Babylon for anything.... deal with it."

  • Vanderhoven7

    Yes, do your own research like the Beroeans. Don't accept a "Bible study" with Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The internet age is the Borg killer.

    Exposing all its lies and hypocrisy. Brick by brick from within.

  • TonusOH

    I think this was their attitude from very early on: the world is in Satan's thrall, and you can only get reliable information from Jehovah through his organization. If you are going to seek answers, do so from the organization. Since they are the only ones who have Jehovah's guidance, they are the only ones who have all of the answers. So, there is no reason to seek answers outside of the org. And if you don't like the answers -if they don't make sense, for example- trust the org. They never get anything wrong (but when they do, they'll get it right the next time).

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Their own research, using WT propaganda , circular reasoning.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I recall "researching" the 1995 generation change. I had about 40 WT publications stacked up on my desk. Of course, I finally determined that it "made sense". That decision cost me another 15 years of my life. I did NOT do that with the change to "overlapping generations". In fact, I did not even need to "research" that. It was so clearly Bullshit that I couldn't even get past the smell.


    The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Anyone who thinks that "researching" through a stack of Watchtower publications is actual research deserves to remain stuck in the cult.

    It is a BIG world; OPEN your mind to include those opinions the Watchtower would "protect" you from. Study real history, study comparative religions, consider the opinions of scientists and historians who are called "fringe" by the academic establishment.

    Only you can set you free!

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