Who Wrote The Bible

by stillajwexelder 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Everybody and his brother.


  • stillajwexelder

    Gamaliel thanks for you recommendations --I will try and obtain copies

  • bluesapphire

    I read that book a long time ago. I'm going to have to re-read it now. I remember thinking it was a good book. But I don't remember much else that was in it.

    I'm also going to have to go to the library to check out some of those other titles that Gamaliel mentioned. Thanks.

  • crownboy

    DevonMcBride, I liked reading Wheless' book as well; its sarcastic humor was pretty funny to me, but I'm sure the book's style put off a few Christains to it, though. While his work is generally OK, he does make some suspicious errors, and as I said before, the books tone is not the most dispassionate. I think his other book, Is It God's Word? is way better (even though it's very polemical also).

    (About Forgery in Christanity: http://www.tertullian.org/rpearse/wheless/wheless_intro.htm )

    I too read Who Wrote the Bible, and like Six I was still a JW when I read it, but for whatever reason I wasn't too troubled by it. I guess I was probably already half way slipping, since I figured there was something weird about the flood story . I definitely recommend reading it, of course.

  • CruithneLaLuna

    ...by a phsyicist named Ark, whose wife channels "Cassiopaens" via the Ouija board. Ark's article (the beginnings of a book, as I recall) is quite interesting, but too alien to JW thinking for me to get very far with it - by which I mean that the only material to which I was exposed as a JW was either totally pro-Bible-as-God's-Word, or filtered by the WTS, which amounts to the same thing; any statements to the contrary being quoted basicaly in summary so that they could turn around and (try to) effectively rip it to shreds. So Ark's ideas and sources might as well have been from Sirua and Orion, and untranslated from the original lnguages as well. And I encountered this article after I had left the JWs, and had no strong vested interest in the Bible being what the JWs and other fundamentalistically-oriented Christian sects believe it to be.

    Okay... here's the link: http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/biblewho1.htm Maybe I was wrong, and it was Laura the channeler who actually penned the article, rather than her husband. Someday when I have Internet access at home again, I will undertake to re-read this piece.

    And thanks for the recommendation of Friedman's book. I'll see if the liebury [sic] here has it, altho Christians are notorious for stealing and destroying spiritual books that undermine their ideas or pull people in a different direction, as my friend who works in the liebury system will verify. Okay, no, they don't often catch Christians doing it red-handed, but who else do you think it would be causing the anti-Christian and non-Christian-favorable books to disappear?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well If I had written the Bible it would have been a lot shorter and a lot more interesting

  • Yerusalyim


    That the Torah was a conglomeration of several schools of thought and eventually redacted has been a scholarly idea for several generations. The J or Y source were those that used Yahweh or Jehovah (if you prefer) in their writing...The P source is said to have presented the Priestly writings, etc etc.

    Isaiah was written by at least two different guys...one before and one after the exile..and so on.

    Not earth shattering news unless you're one of those folks that though Moses really did record his own death.

  • Dawn

    I read it. I thought it was a really good book and an interesting concept. And no - it didn't shake my faith. It only helped me open my eyes a bit more to realize that I don't have all the answers - noone on this earth does.

    Stillajw - I found that once I quit accepting everything the borg said as the ONLY option I was not only more open to other possibilities - but my faith in God actually grew.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yerusalyim -- there are lots of things that troubled me -- Moses saying he was the meeket man on earth - -tha account of his own death -- the mix and match of verses -- but as aJW it was absolutely banged into my head that "where else is there for us to go " etc.. I found a way of ignoring these questions -- all I can say is -- I never will again until the day I die

  • Yerusalyim


    Sorry you had such a hard time with it. Man...I guess unless you've been raised in it you can't understand.

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