Past lives?

by Lutece 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beans

    XW, this just proves that Polyester did have a past life and in its present existence the past is never forgotten!

    Polyester Rules!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I know someone who claims to have had past lives that go all of the way back to the ancient Egyptian court of Pharoh. (why is it everyone claims to have known Cleoptra? .... go figure).

    Anyway, this friend said that in a previous life her current boss was her wife (she was a man before, and he a woman). Currently, in this life she had things to learn and she was being 'punished' for being abusive to his wife previously and so had to work for him now..... Believe It Or Not.... {{{{ I just nodded and then asked "what's for lunch" }}}}}

  • rem


    We get a lot of live ones out here in California.


    Nope, not gonna shoot down Sweedenbourg. (Disappointed? ) Everyone's entitled to their experiences and is free to relate them. I'm more interested in the analytical study of the phenomenon, though.


  • Goshawk

    Why is it in this type of thing people are always nobility, important persons etc in past lives? Why aren't any of these past lives serfs or slaves or habib that hearded goats out in the sticks?

    Goshawk ;-)

  • ballistic

    I don't believe in past lives, although I did have two strange experiences that made me consider it. A few years ago, after leaving the borg, I went to sign up with our territorial "reserves" army. I walked into the place following the CO with all the new recruits and was suddenly struck by complete familiarity. Note that this was not de-ja-vu, which I find equally haunting. Just everything in the place, the colour schemes, the smell, the uniforms, everything was familiar to me. I saw the world through a haze for a few minutes, and I wasn't listening to what the army officers were saying.

    I was a student / bar man at the time and a couple of months after that first incident, I happened to be serving at a dinner / dance for older folk and the live band began to play war time songs, and I assure you this isn't my scene, really. ;) A certain song was played, and once again I felt like I was in another life, and for a moment I kind of "floated" along, just experiencing the moment as if through the eyes of someone else. Moments later when it went, sadness, and a fleeting thought that I was shot down, I don't know where the thought came from.

    Then I dismissed it. The brain is an amazingly complex system, I could have imagined the whole thing... or not? I didn't join the army in the end.

  • Robdar

    Why is it in this type of thing people are always nobility, important persons etc in past lives?

    Gosh, I have wondered this myself. I guess we all want to be a wee bit more important than we think we are. Since many people do not attempt to accomplish much in this life, they tell themselves that they were awesome in their past lives.

    Now, I have had "recalls" of being a priest, a nun, a warrior in Japan, a kitchen servant to Louis XVI (I really wanted to kill his ass) a doctor in the American war between the states, and a soldier in the Alamo. I also have had one where I died in my last life in the late 50's. This would be my last one so far. Not that I believe any of these. But it would help explain my aversion to war.

    I think that it is always good to get into the subconscious and play around. I do not think, though, that the information should be trusted as being the truth. It is for entertainment purposes only.

  • Kenneson

    Past lives? Sheesh! I'm too engrossed in this one to even be concerned. Some people have too much time on their hands!

  • Robdar

    Just everything in the place, the colour schemes, the smell, the uniforms, everything was familiar to me. I saw the world through a haze for a few minutes, and I wasn't listening to what the army officers were saying.

    Ballistic, I had a similar experience when I was 9 and my history class took a field trip to one of the local "civil war" hospitals in the town that I lived in. When I walked into the building, I knew that I had been there before. I suddenly transported to a different time. I could smell what it had been like to be in that hospital which was an inn that had been converted. I even knew what most of the medical utensils were for. I had to go outside, vomit and then lie down in the bus. It really affected and scared me.

    A few years later, when my mother got pregnant with my youngest sibling, I became convinced that the baby was a girl and I knew exactly what she would look like and that the child that my mother was carrying was really my child.

    After Jennifer was born, I took over raising her. I always instinctively knew her likes and dislikes. She always came to me for comfort or to kiss her booboos. I told her stories, I held her when she would have nightmares. I taught her how to talk, how to walk.

    When she was 4, I met my first husband. When he would come over to court me, she would call him husband and insisted that they used to be married. She would get into my mother's underwear drawer and put a long petticoat over her head as a veil, would grab my mother's vase of silk flowers and would burst into the front room where he and I would be sitting. She would tell me to leave her husband alone. She would also take his hand and try to pull him away from me. When I married him, she was so pissed off.

    I am still not sure if all these experiences were coincidental.

    Some people have too much time on their hands!

    LOL Kenneson. That could be true. Or it could be that some of us are better time managers.

  • proplog2

    Don't you have to pay people to take you on this hypnotic trip?

    Sounds like entertainment for people that have money to blow.

  • ballistic

    Robdar, thats almost scarey!!! There must be some rational explanation to these experiences.

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