pdf's of Raymond Franz's books

by Newly Enlightened 277 Replies latest members private

  • OrphanCrow
    Blondie: Simon, they are not promoting themselves....they never have. I just want people to know they are real people like you and I. I'm sorry now I even said something; I'm disappointed that you would drag this through the mud.

    I could be wrong, Blondie, but I don't think Simon was referring to the Dykstras when he was speaking of "self promotion".

    I, for one, am glad that you posted what you did. You are right, in that your post makes the Dykstras real people - people who Ray and Cynthia loved and people who deserve our respect.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    I don't think Simon was referring to the Dykstras Blondie. We all support Deborah and wish to see the book republished.

    Slim- you can get in touch with Mike and Kim, they are in contact with Deborah.

  • Simon
    I could be wrong, Blondie, but I don't think Simon was referring to the Dykstras when he was speaking of "self promotion".
    I don't think Simon was referring to the Dykstras Blondie. We all support Deborah and wish to see the book republished.

    Absolutely, I was not talking about them (the Dykastras) - I was referring to those who it appears saw the chance to make a buck and / or use something for publicity.

    Sorry if I wasn't clear :)

  • talesin

    Perhaps this can be a reminder to us all, that we need to stop and think about the repercussions of our actions. No matter how well-intended, hasty actions may yield negative results. Seek not personal recognition; protect the children, offer constructive critiques of the WTS and its dogma, and on a personal level, give and receive support as needed. If a mistake is made, a simple and humble "I'm sorry" is the best way to diffuse any wrongs that may have come of it. Drama is not necessary.

    We can unite on specific issues, and everyone has a role. Some are cheerleaders, and others are deep in the trenches, with all levels of involvement/commitment in between.

    We all agree on one thing, that's for sure. The Tower is a destructive cult (substitute your preferred term if you cannot acknowledge the term cult). So, let's do our best to focus on the fall of the Tower.

    Never forget how sweet our freedom is, and as Oscar Wilde said, "The best revenge is living well."

    t :sunglasses:

  • slimboyfat
    Right on Nathan, spraying some facts around where pure nonsense threatened to engulf.
  • talesin
    Oh, and what SBF said. Thanks, NN!
  • Phaedra

    I can't wait until Cedars writes his book. I will make sure PDFS are available on all pirate bays. Anon, of course. And I'll put someone else's URL on the back, too.

    Not really. But it makes you think, doesn't it?

  • 1009

    OrphanCrow - In the States, copyright is valid for life + 70 years. Or, 95 years. ALL countries extend copyright beyond death for various periods of time.

    Insane. It's 2015. Information should be freely available. Arrr!

    Nathan Natas - Ray Franz created several books. How those books are distributed is for Ray Franz or his heirs to determine -- NO ONE ELSE. Once a copyright is issued it is in effect until the expiration of its term. It is a LEGAL concept

    I was too long part of a Pharisaic religion where I was told what rules I needed to obey. Now I prefer to think about and live according to the concepts behind the rules. And I believe in innovation: outdated laws should be changed.

    So no, it don't believe it's up to Ray or his (uninterested) heirs anymore to decide whether this lifesaving book should be reprinted. The contents of the book became too important to withheld.

  • nicolaou
    Insane. It's 2015. Information should be freely available. Arrr!

    Information IS freely available, just dedicate months or even years of your time, effort and stress into researching your subject. Or, pay a few dollars to buy the information already handily compiled in book form, authored by a man who intimately understood his subject.

    I love the internet but I loathe the sense of entitlement it has fostered in some.

    If it's still in copyright, pay for your music, pay for your software and pay for your f***ing books!

  • 1009

    Sorry, English isn't my primary language. I meant "freely", not "free". I do not have problems paying a reasonable amount. The whole problem is that the book is not available!

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