Your Favorite Colloquialisms?

by Frannie Banannie 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Thought we could all share a few of our's one I'm fond of....

    "Chaps my grits" is a Southern colloquialism, referring
    to.....well, I guess you better know what grits is
    first....grits refers to your do I know
    that?...grits resemble sand before they're cooked
    and too many grits too frequently over a long period of
    time will make my butt resemble two bags full of sand.....
    AND grit is indicative of one's presence and chutzpah, stamina or determination, only hafta *see* a pot full of cold grits to realize how....solid....they become..

    Now to chap one's grits is to give one's "grits" a red hot case of somethin' like "jock itch"...which will make you walk funny...kinda like you got a red hot poker stuck
    up yer butt....this is a good substitute for
    that which you need to make your spine ramrod straight
    and anybody knows that a good case of something like
    "jock itch" that won't go away can eventually make you
    go ballistic, but even if you *do* walk funny
    because of the "jock itch" thang, you'll walk upright,
    with dignity and hopefully aim that ballistic attitude
    in the right direction.....unless you don't have much
    "grits" in your which case, you better
    not let your alligator mouth overload yer humminbird behind.....

    Frannie B

  • happyout

    Put you on blast

    That means to tell everyone something about you, usually something you didn't want known.

    Trifecta? You betcha!

    Made when a basketball player makes a three point shot

    He burned her

    He gave her an STD

    I love slang, colloquialisms, etc. Just don't know very much anymore (another sign that I'm aging)

    Share everyone!!


  • avishai

    "It's hotter than two rats f--king in a wool sock" " I feel/look like hammered hog shit"

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Put you on blast

    oooooooooooo...I LIKE that, Happyout!.....That's a LOT easier to say than "put yer business on the street"

    "It's hotter than two rats f--king in a wool sock" " I feel/look like hammered hog shit"

    LOL@Avishai! Where you from, cher? Dat sounds like Texas or somewhere nearby....

    Frannie B

  • Yerusalyim

    "Boy, he's really soup sandwich"=unorganized...unknowledgable..incompetent

  • teejay

    "meet the mule" = go to work

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    "Boy, he's really soup sandwich"=unorganized...unknowledgable..incompetent

    Good one, Yeru!

    "meet the mule" = go to work

    Kewl, teej! I hadn't heard that one before...thx

    Frannie B

  • Bendrr

    I don't use all of these, but do use quite a few.

    F***ed up as a soup sandwich / football bat / busload of Jerry's kids. (please don't take offense at the Jerry's kids reference)

    He/She could f*** up a steel anvil with a rubber hammer.

    I'd rather take an ass-whuppin' than....

    Looks like four monkeys tryin' to f*** a football.

    God bless a milk cow!

    He's so slow I need to draw a circle around him to see if he's movin'

    Granny was slow but she was 90.

    Old folks f*** faster than he's movin'

    She's about as sharp as a bowling ball.

    If dumb was gasoline you wouldn't wanna smoke around him.

    She's so ugly you could mash her face in dough and make gorilla cookies.

    Good googly-moogly!

    Somebody oughtta slap his momma for havin' him!

    I'm so poor I can't pay attention.

    He's got so much money he writes a check and the bank bounces.

    Gotta love the south!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Good googly-moogly, Mike!! Those were GREAT!!! Visit Smiley Central!

    How about:

    (name) has a full six-pack, but the plastic thingy holdin' 'em is kinda loose.

    (please don't use visualization for this one):

    Ya make my butt wanna suck a sour lemon!

    Frannie B

  • Yerusalyim

    "Well slap my mother" = usually given as a compliment when sampling someone's food (other than your moms). A commercial down south picked it up..."so good you'll wanna slap your mother"

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