Johnny Depp Likens U.S. to 'Dumb Puppy'

by closer2fine 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trauma_Hound

    LOL, well what he said about the politicians, and the "freedom" fries thing, is completly true, if you don't see that, well then I guess I have the right to call you an idiot. "French" fries are from Belgium, not france, and what the politicians did, was just show the world how many moronic people we have in power here.

  • Trauma_Hound

    LOL, well what he said about the politicians, and the "freedom" fries thing, is completly true, if you don't see that, well then I guess I have the right to call you an idiot. "French" fries are from Belgium, not france, and what the politicians did, was just show the world how many moronic people we have in power here.

  • avishai

    Who gives a big shit what some right-wing prick from Georgia thinks about Johnny Depp?

    Thin man, who gives a crap what some know it all newbie with no manners thinks? Don't teach your grandpa to suck eggs, boy! & watch your mouth. At least read the posting guidelines. Go ahead & read before you open your big mouth, & you might learn something.

  • jelly

    I just skimmed this thread so I might be wrong, but I dont believe anyone said JD shouldn't be allowed to speak his mind.

    To those on the left:

    criticizim does not equal censorship.


  • back2dafront
    It seems to me that Americans are super-patriotic. No dissent is allowed. Shut up celebrities if you don't agree. If people don't agree with President Bush, they're stupid or worse, anti-American.

    I read that there isn't even a concept for that in Italy. If you disagree with the government policies, no one would accuse you of being anti-Italian--it would be ridiculous. But in America, the public often punishes dissenters, such as the Dixie Chicks.

    What do we have--a king that no one can question?? No, we have a democracy--but i think so many just don't understand the concept. Yeru and Francois are rabid in attacking liberals. It's just too darn bad that there is such intolerance on this board by some and in America in general.


    Pat, you hit the nail on the head. I just watched an interview on CNN with Britney Spears, and she said that she thinks people should support and trust the President. I wonder if that's *really* how she feels or if she's just saying that to protect her career. I could care less really where actors or musicians stand politically. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and it would be nice if they were able to state that without being dragged through the mud by those who don't agree with them.

  • Sir Paul
    Sir Paul

    On the flip side of the coin, While I do happen to think there's lots of problems with out CURRENT Administration... what Country is out there really, that has a perfect government after all? At least living in the States, we do have the freedom (to a point) to speak our mind like Johnny, or to criticize if we so choose... And at least here - we do have some opportunity.. to better ourselves and our finances... so that we CAN move to the south of France later... If we so choose... lol

    If you ask me - that certainly beats growing up in a place run by some dictator who'd cut your arms off for even looking funny... Having to wear a towel over your head... and where women have to keep all their parts covered at all times because they are looked on as filthy second-class citizens...

    Make no mistake... Despite the good and the bad as well - I'm glad and Thankful to be an American.

  • talesin

    Hey Simon, I didn't know JD's partner was such a babe. WOW, hubba hubba, now I'm jealous.

    I gotta say re the Ronnie Reagan comment - he had ALZHEIMERS AND WAS PRESIDENT OF THE USA. I was shocked. Whose finger was really on the button? Can I venture to say GBUSH and the multinational corporations?

    A respectful question to US patriots - don't you think that is scary? I mean, they didn't tell us he had the disease until after he was out of office. I'm really interested in yr opinions on this, not promoting argument.


  • DakotaRed
    It seems to me that Americans are super-patriotic. No dissent is allowed. Shut up celebrities if you don't agree. If people don't agree with President Bush, they're stupid or worse, anti-American.

    I always wonder why this attitude comes out when someone criticizes Liberal actors. Obviously, they are speaking their minds freely and without condemnation, other than those who disapprove locally. Simply speak against Bush or take any stance opposed to the US, and you get all the media coverage you can handle. Yet, where is the media coverage and comments on how grand and eloquent are such comments from actors that support Bush and his Administration?

    Seems to me, the ones that are actually being ostracized are the Conservative actors, not the Liberal ones.

    I'm still waiting for Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Rosey O'Donnell and such to leave the US, as they stated they would have to, if Bush were elected, back in 2,000. I do so love the honesty and sincerity of chosen actors who many look to for political insight.

  • blacksheep

    I didn't know Johnny Depp was so incredibly influential--his opinion must be worth a LOT, given his obvious intellectual and social achievements, not to mention the fact the mother of his children is a BABE. I'm sure everyone is hanging on his every word.

    Ah, France. It's lovely, provided you're not old and the rest of your family has taken off for holiday to leave you to die in sweltering heat. And then when they learn of your death, to go ahead and finish the rest of their holiday, since your dead anyway...Yes, they love their leisure time, no matter what, or who, the expense. That's civilization at its finest.

  • blacksheep

    "I gotta say re the Ronnie Reagan comment - he had ALZHEIMERS AND WAS PRESIDENT OF THE USA. I was shocked. Whose finger was really on the button? Can I venture to say GBUSH and the multinational corporations?

    A respectful question to US patriots - don't you think that is scary? I mean, they didn't tell us he had the disease until after he was out of office. I'm really interested in yr opinions on this, not promoting argument."

    Right, really respectful. Newsflash, Reagan has only begun very recently (well after he was out of office, let's see, THREE presidents later) begun exhibiting characteristics of Alzheimer's. Trying to portray him as a blithering idiot while in office is pretty sad. Yeah, he was so crazy that he successfully ended the Cold War, saw the dissolution of the USSR (who had missles pointed to the US for decades), predicted and SAW the tear down of the Berlin Wall. Yeah, a real crazy guy...

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