two deaths and no calls...

by detective 24 Replies latest social family

  • detective

    Well, my disfellowshipped friend was seeking out an older, non-jw relative who he had wanted to invite to a monumental event in his life. He wasn't able to reach her at her home so he eventually gave up and sought out his JW parents. In doing so, he learned that the elderly relative had died a little less than a year earlier (a few months after he had been disfellowshipped). He also learned that a dear, young non-jw relative had also died after a brief-ish illness. He hadn't known she was ill.

    Illness. Two deaths. Not a single call.

    Bastards. What the hell is wrong with that group? Stupid question, I know.

    I'm trying not to hate his father. But it is really hard. His father knew how to reach him. He chose not to.

    What a witness! What a beautiful, beautiful witness! This is how they expect to lure the likes of me in? This is what they want a non-witness to hear about? Well, I assure you, every non-witness friend of mine will hear what the tower does to families.

    Did I say bastards already? Bastards. There, I said it again. That's for denying a dying old woman a last visit from grandson and letting her go to her grave without the boy who loved her standing near.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    What can I say, Detective....they simply love to sad....they continue pushing people away by the thousands.....and don't even realize what they're doing.....they're too busy being good little haters....

    Frannie B

  • Scully

    Something similar happened to me earlier this year.... the way it was handled.... let's just say it was disgraceful, and leave it at that. I'm so sorry for the pain your friend has been through. It is so unnecessary, so hurtful and the actions of those JWs speak louder than the so-called "love" they claim to have.

    Love, Scully

  • acsot

    Please convey my condolences to your friend and tell him I send him hugs. Unfortunately, the despicable way these people act doesn't surprise me at all; I've seen too much of it happen. The coldness of the JW religion and the hearts of ice it produces are absolutely appalling, and if there is a God and if there was a man named Jesus 2,000 years ago, I'm sure they feel blasphemed by these sterile, frozen people who have the audacity to call themselves Jesus' true disciples.

  • wednesday

    yes i too have had this happen. A close friend form 30 yrs ago died and i found out about 3 yrs after the fact. Also a second cousin, but one we had been friends with yrs ago, died, and no call .Bastards is right.

  • Xena

    I am sorry for the pain your friend suffered. I wish it could be different for him and for all of us

  • dancnfool_60

    I am so sorry to hear about is a reapeted offense by them....5 yrs ago my sister died suddenly and my mother had terminal cancer..the 5 yrs I took care of her no elders came to see me or her and when she dies I told my ex that I didnt want to see any at the funeral home.If they couldnt see us while she was alive I didnt want to see them then. it is sad to see it continues...



  • Jesika

    I am sorry to hear about this!! Yes..........they talk all about christian love, but don't show it!

    I had something similiar happen to me not long ago...........I will summerize............

    There was an elderly sister in my cong that used to give candy to all the kids and she was like everyone's grandma. I was very close to her.

    I grew up in this cong since I was 4 untill my df'ing at 15.

    I am 27 now and neither one of my parents or my sister or anyone else told me she had passed away.....BACK IN 96!!!!!!!! I only heard of this from 2 posters here who I have been reunited with after many yrs.

    I did find out where she was buried and went to her grave alone...........just to say goodbye.......I brought some candy with me to give to her........she always gave us kids so much..........It was my way of "giving a little back", sounds corny but it brought some kind of closure to the situation for me.

    If I may suggest telling your friend about this and maybe they can fine a sense of closure as well........but we all mourn in our own ways.

    My mother is no longer a JW and when I found out..........I called her very hurt and angry........but I am used to the JW mentality from my family then and now........still hurts though.

    Thought I would share and maybe give your friend a way to "close" a chapter in his/her life.




    Jesika: I still love that post you made some time ago about bringing candy to that 'sister' who passed away (at her gravesite). That was so sweet.

    Detective, I am very sorry to read this, but honestly, I am not surprised, and I am sure you are not; yet that does not sooth the agony of losing someone.

    For me, I still have concerns about people I used to know....some I'm sure are very old now, if they are even alive.

    I guess, we remember, fondly too when that's possible, and keep that 'special' relationship alive in our memory, thus not rendering them completely invisible or forgotten in our mind's eye.

    I feel for you. I really do.

  • Jesika

    Thanx Ray!!!!!

    Love ya bro,


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