How Should Houses of Worship Protect Themselves Against Shooters?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Is there a way?

    Yes, people should stop congregating on an endeavor to support religoius ignorance, lies and corruption at prearrange gatherings..

    All religions even Christianity are built upon those structured elements .

    The Muslim faith, Mormonism the list goes on.

    We now have information to prove that those religions are lies, propagated perhaps for the good of humanity but nevertheless they are lies and inherent ignorance.

    We now know a lot more about are selves, are biology, are psychology , that we dont have to turn to ancient scrolls to learn about are selves.

    Lets support knowledge and intellectual honesty rather than religoius ignorance because it appeals to are emotions or because men want to bask and hold onto self endeavored empowerment.

  • stillMS

    I guess, executing the mass-shooters publicly (together with their family - if the first doesn't help much) would be a good start. Our medieval ancestors can tell quite a lot of interesting ways to perform that.

    Another way is to have educated religion-free population everywhere and a society without injustice, but nah - that's a hard way...

    How in the world can we allow guys like Breivik, for instance, return to the society after 20 years as if nothing has happened?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    How in the world can we allow guys like Breivik, for instance, return to the society after 20 years as if nothing has happened? - exactly.

    Anders Breivik has forfeited his right to life.

    Anders Breivik should be put to death.

  • FedUpJW

    Just lock the front door, depend on Brother Dumb-as-rocks to know exactly who is or is not a deranged mass shooter to open the door, and holy spit (spelling intentional) will protect you.

  • DesirousOfChange
  • minimus

    Doc , that’s a good answer

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