I had to submit to a drugs test yesterday.

by joe134cd 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • joe134cd

    I had to submit to a random work place drugs test yesterday, of which I passed. In this country smoking Marijuana / methamphetamine is illegal. The thing that really struck me was that despite the illegal nature of it, was just how prevalent and problem is. For example of the 14 randomly tested, 4 failed. When it become knowledge that testing was taking place a further 6 unexpectedly went home sick. 1 of those 6 was on the testing list and will be tested when he returns to work. So, in other words, in a random sample of 15 workers there were 30% who had drugs in their system. I was talking to my supervisor about this and said luckily for the company they stopped at 15 people because if they had tested everyone it would of literally crippled the company.

    The worrying part here is, if this is a reflection of the population at large. What must this be costing in terms of health care and the social issues? What’s this costing where marijuana is legal? To be honest, I wouldn’t of expected the fail rate to be as high as it was, with the profession I’m in. Maybe 1 or 2, but when your at 33% this is quite another level.

  • RubaDub

    joe134 ...

    I'm not sure which country you are in, but marijuana is legal in Canada (to the best of my knowledge) and about half of the states in the US (either "medical" or recreational).

    Here in Florida where medical marijuana is legal, you simply go to a doctor who advertises to give you the "card" for medical purposes and tell him/her you have anxiety, headaches, or some other problem and pay about $100. You walk out of the door with the card and can buy and use whatever you want.

    It doesn't surprise me that so many people use it on the weekends, much like watching a football game with some friends and having a case of beer.

    But I would guess that smoking some weed during a football game has a more calming effect than guys throwing beer cans at the TV when the other team scores.

    Rub a Dub

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    The mj is the problem. The positives stay a long time after the " impairment " is over. Whatt if they tested for alcohol?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Pot is NOT legal in the US -- at least not from Federal Standards -- the law is just not enforced. It is "legal" in many States as far as State law. Employers who test will state that it is illegal in Federal Law. Insurance companies must continue to feel that there is a lowering of standards (safety, judgement, etc) by those who use pot because it is the insurers who push business to drug test in the name of "safety".

    Example, If the driver at my trucking company caused an accident and tested "positive" for drugs (even thogh it was 2-3 days since using drugs), that information would be used in court against the business (liability is to the insurer). It's all about the money. Legalization is all about the money. The motive of State legalization is so they can tax it. Like almost everything -- Follow the Money!

  • Phizzy

    I had a Dope test once, I passed, .............I am a Dope !

  • Finkelstein

    There is a point of ironic ignorance when a company tests people for drug use when alcohol has more of a problematic social and health effect into people than marijuana.

  • RubaDub

    Pot is NOT legal in the US -- at least not from Federal Standards -- the law is just not enforced. It is "legal" in many States as far as State law.

    Desirous ....

    You are absolutely correct on that. That is why when I made my earlier comment, I noted it is legal in about half of the states. However, as you mention, it is still not legal from a federal standpoint and technically the feds take precedence. The last time I heard a debate on the issue, the federal laws still have weed in the same classification as cocaine. But yes, it is a federal law that is simply not enforced.

    However, I agree that lawyers for insurance companies would pounce on that in a minute in a courtroom.

    Rub a Dub

  • Searril

    The worrying part here is, if this is a reflection of the population at large. What must this be costing in terms of health care and the social issues? What’s this costing where marijuana is legal?

    Why exactly does it worry you if people smoke weed? What are the health care and social issues you're concerned about?

    I smoke weed almost every single day and have a job where a lot of business money is on the line and there's never once been a problem. I have never had any health related issues from weed and I'm in my 40s. The only health issue I've ever had was needing back surgery, but that had nothing to do with weed.

    I know you weren't making a comparison, but weed is better than alcohol in literally every conceivable way possible.

  • Finkelstein

    Seems like Joe 134 is portraying a big misconception that marijuana use is a big social problem in the work place and out.

    Here in Canada where its been legal for more than a year to buy on the retail market , it has not created some enormous amount of usage as some people in the country thought it might.

    A matter of fact there many companies that started up in anticipation of high sales are going bankrupt because the usage is low and stagnant.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    The legalization didnt change the market much. It is not like there were not smokers already. The greedy tax keeps the black market going.

    You dont have to test for meth, just watch the teeth

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