Jay the unfunny Comedian is calling everyone who disagrees with him racist now

by Diogenesister 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Diogenesister

    Just some screenshots of his Twitter. These are absurd reaches. At this point it's just a risk communicating with him at all.

  • MeanMrMustard

    Who is Jay the Comedian?

    Is he just a comedian named Jay? Is this guy famous?

  • NonCoinCollector

    He is more like Jay the Pathetic Comedian.

    MeanMrMustard, Jay is a Lloyd Cult follower who thinks he is funny. You can catch his awful videos on YouTube.

  • MeanMrMustard
    MeanMrMustard, Jay is a Lloyd Cult follower who thinks he is funny. You can catch his awful videos on YouTube.

    Oh. Ok. Well there you go. Since I've never really followed Lloyd, I've definitely never followed any of his followers.

    For what its worth, I've referred to my 3 year old daughter as a "little monkey". Am I racist, or is it all good since she's white?

  • Diogenesister

    Sorry @EXJWcomedianjay is an ex JW who is incredibly cynically calling people who are calling out Lloyd racist on twitter at every opportunity he gets. It's really sickening. He goes on Lloyds channel as his diversity and inclusion tickbox.

    I know, I know I shouldn't say it but I'm just so pissed with him being so downright cynical....

    Flying monkey is a common psychological term for those who go after folks who criticize the narcissist. Nothing to do with race but of course he tries to slur @JohnathanBurg3r check out Theramin trees video at 23:30


  • cleanideas

    Jay is trash, he supports Lloyd and his hookers and is now throwing down the race card when there is obviously no intended racism. Sad.

  • Simon
    Oh. Ok. Well there you go. Since I've never really followed Lloyd, I've definitely never followed any of his followers.

    I was the same, like am I supposed to know who this rando is?

    For what its worth, I've referred to my 3 year old daughter as a "little monkey". Am I racist, or is it all good since she's white?

    Likewise, I refer to our friends kids as monkeys all the time, it's a term of endearment.

    I have little patience for these people who go out of the way to twist everything into being racist.

    Save it for things that actually are.

  • markweatherill

    I hope Jay has already realised how silly he was being.

    If he wants to be a comedian, he should try not to be a laughing stock.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Context is everything.

    You can call someone a 'monkey' and the context isn't racial abuse. You can't just hear or read the word monkey and screech 'racism!'

    I knew a JW who had relatives in the US and his cousin was mixed-race (although this JW I knew called his cousin 'black') and about 8 years old at the time.

    And my JW friend was fretting about calling him a 'monkey' - like: 'you cheeky little monkey'.

    Where I'm from, white kids like me were called monkeys. My mum and dad called me a cheeky monkey loads of times when I was little.

    One more time: CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING.

  • WingCommander

    Jay used to be funny. He's not funny anymore, he's sad. Pulling the "racism card" over absolutely nothing and pulling a Glock like some BLM thug and actually posting that pic on Twitter of himself? PATHETIC. Don't quit your day job Jay!

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