Always Obey

by neat blue dog 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    The life story in the latest WT has a running theme that keeps popping up: If the organization tells you to do something, you DO it. This culminates in the following anecdote:

    We were staying in a
    brother’s home right next to a Kingdom Hall.
    . . . the circuit overseer’s wife pre-
    pared a bath for us. . . To my
    surprise, the circuit overseer’s wife had
    placed them outside the house in direct
    view of the Kingdom Hall where brothers
    were helping with the preparations for the
    assembly. I asked her for a curtain of some
    kind. She brought me a sheet of transpar-
    ent plastic! . . . I thought
    to myself: ‘The brothers are too busy to
    notice that I am taking a bath. And if I don’t
    bathe, they will be offended. Let’s get on
    with it!’ So I did.

    I don't know but a strange example to include to say the least. Bathsheba anyone? 😅


    There's a picture of her and her husband with a group of ALL sisters, but they put a little arrow just in case you didn't know which one was Harvey 🤣

  • smiddy3

    Your kidding me ,seriously?

    ‘The brothers are too busy to

    notice that I am taking a bath.

    Pull the other leg!! ???

    As you say it certainly is a strange example to use ,I bet there are still workers at that KH getting their jollies just picturing that bath memory in their heads.

    Once seen you cannot unsee it.

  • truth_b_known

    The phrase "piss in my ear and tell me it's raining" comes to mind.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Attractive too. Not an image you woild regret ever seeing. I woild look😯

  • Cadellin

    I thought that anecdote was EXTREMELY odd all the way around...

  • BluesBrother

    In line with the thread title , the article is “ We Learned Never To Say No To Jehovah “

    I guess the writers gave the title to her interview. What she says at the conclusion is :

    But Harvey taught me never to say no to Jehovah’s organization, so I was not about to do that. Later, I came to see the wisdom of the decision”.

    A subtle difference, Jehovah God or the Organisation? . I guess they want to make them seem the same.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    "A subtle difference, Jehovah God or the Organisation? . I guess they want to make them seem the same."

    I've learned to read WT publications with the perception that when "Jehovah" is mentioned it really means JWs leadership. Jehovah remains the puppet God of WTBTS.

  • Rattigan350

    I thought to myself:

    That is so redundant. To whom does one think but to oneself?


    The Japanese don’t traditionally have the same hang ups about nudity that Americans have. Whole families would have bath time, ect, so maybe it wasn’t a big deal to them at all?

    Even so, that’s one weird-ass experience to include in an article on obedience.


  • Overrated

    I learn long ago to question anything written by the Watchtower. It's alot of bullshit!

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