why would God and Jesus hate the united nations?

by nowwhat? 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    If memory serves me correctly, I believe the answer is down to pride. So it's not a question of the United Nations being evil or not. The issue is that the United Nations, is a proud organisation, govererned by man that has set itself up, to do Jehovers work.

    The Rebel.

    p.s Comparing Jehovers history of governing man in the old testerment I think the United Nations is doing a very good job.

    p.p.s re your O.P heading " Why would God and Jesus hate the United Nations" according to my memory the term " Hate" in watchtower loaded language can mean to love slightly less.

  • blondie

    The UN was preceded by another organization that faded during WW2 and was resurrected as the UN in 1942 (1945 WTS interpretation). The Christian religions of the day of that first organization declared it God's kingdom on earth...setting it up as a rival to the Messianic kingdom the WTS said was established in 1914.

    Keep Close in Mind Jehovah’s Day (‎13 occurrences)

    • 9. (a) After World War I, what great separation of all claiming to be Christian took place? (b) How did anointed Christians give evidence that they were true servants of the Kingdom?

      9 After World War I, there was a separating of all who claimed to be Christian into two classes: (1) The clergy of Christendom and their followers, who came out in strong support of the League of Nations (now the United Nations) while still holding fast to their national loyalties, and (2) true Christians of that postwar era, who gave their full support to God’s Messianic Kingdom, not to the nations of this world.

    • wt chap. 20 pp. 175-183 - Worship God (wt)

  • fukitol

    Yes, how evil the UN is, trying to help unify divided and warring nations, stop war, poverty, disease. Its totally understandable why Jehovah must crush the wicked UN. What a great shout of praise all the angels and lovers of righteousness will give Jehovah for doing that.

    And not forgetting that when the Watchtower became a UN affiliated NGO it signed an application form pledging to uphold and support the goals and ideals of the UN Charter, which includes use of military force against aggressor nations.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS likes to make up speculative theories to whats happening in world events, particularly toward organized government institutions, they intentionally identified the UN as the great harlot as a means to support the assertion that mankind is living in the last days. ( End Times )

    Fear mongering comes in many diverse variations.

  • stuckinarut2

    Because as we all know, the ONLY thing the UN is concerned about is attacking "gods people". They literally have NOTHING else of interest in their focus....right?

  • Vidiot

    nowwhat? - "why would God and Jesus hate the united nations?"

    Authoritarian regimes have always hated democracy.

    'Specially when democracy has a better success rate than said authoritarian regimes.

  • Nihilistic Journey
    Nihilistic Journey

    It goes back to the very beginning. Satan, in the guise of the snake, insinuated that mankind did not need Jehovah. The UN, like all other forms of government, are part of Satins organization. Or so I was always told. It's like the quote that was popular when I was in. It's not up to man to direct his own footsteps.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Jesus&Jehovah&Watchtower Corp. hate the United Nation Organization because it is Satan vain atempt to direct attention away from God's rightful rulership by mean's of the Messianic Kingdom and keep men thinking that they can solve their own problems and not have to rely on Jehovah's abritrary dictitorial style rulership and eat forbidden fruits with impunity. Adam and Eve did not die in vain but they are still not coming back in any ressurection they willfully disobeyed Jehovah when they were perfect, which was a big disappointment to yours truly.

    It's an all out affrontation to Jehovah's rightful rulership of this planet. All those on Jehovah's side of the issue that happened in the invisible realm between Him and Satan automatically conclude Jehovah the winner in this contest in order not to be destroyed at ammageddon when Jehovah uses his magic powers to destroy all that pisses him off.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    nowwhat?: "why would God and Jesus hate the united nations?"

    Because the Witchtower says so. Now go back to sleep.

  • RichardHaley

    According to jw propaganda God has allowed mankind 6k years to try all forms of government to prove that man can't successfully rule himself, the UN being the last ditch effort on mankind's part. Of-course that line of reasoning doesn't take into account that the deck has been stacked against mankind by confining Satan and his demons to the vicinity of the earth to perpetrate all kinds of evil disrupting any honest effort.

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