WT study 8 December

by road to nowhere 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Road to nowhere,

    It would be interesting to see if anyone on this forum knows any living dubs as old as 105.

    I have lived in a lot of places and been a member of 8 congs in 3 different states and I can't think of anyone that old.

    I know a few in their 90's, as would most people, but that's it.

  • waton
    It would be interesting to see if anyone on this forum knows any living dubs as old as 105

    jjj, I heard from a reliable source that a 104 year old ( 105 for a pro-lifer) was commemorated this year. but so what?

    Par 1 : " you lived in the last days". so:

    you saw the false prophecies of 1918**, about 1925, 1975, 2000 and now the overlapping annoying anointed groups co-existing with an ever more powerful divide between religious / political / economic competing empires. Although combattants were taking the conflict to within eyesight of Brooklyn's "house of god", for billions a peaceful ending. but in

    wt lingo " you are part of the last days". just because it is my last days, does not mean it is "the last days (of Jerusalem, "Jesus" was talking about).
    ** "the World has ended (invisibly) Millions now living will never die"

  • WTWizard

    Since 1914? I have noticed political correctness tyranny, through the whole world, growing since the early 1990s. And it has really gotten out of hand in the past 10 years. It is illegal in many countries to criticize the official narrative, holding back science and forcing people to abide by lies. (Reminds me of the Dark Ages.) So many people are offended--on purpose, so they can protect their lies. Words and phrases that were not deemed as objectionable in the early 1990s are now deemed "hate speech" to as much as mention them. It is worse in most of Europe these days.

    I think this means that the last days of freedom on this planet got started with the first Bush, and Bill Clinton ruined it for good. And look at the EU--that was intended to ruin Europe in ways that the UN failed to. Forced immigration (and not peaceful immigration--the "immigrants" rape, kill, and vandalize) through the whole European and American worlds--and it is "offensive" to call them out on it. Even the term "illegal alien", once used to denote people that entered a country without following proper protocol, is offensive and using it in many countries is a good way to end up with life in jail. Many Internet sites will ban someone or heavily censor that term.

    For sure, remote from 1914.

  • smiddy3

    WERE you born after the year 1914? If so, you have lived your entire life during “the last days” of the present system of things. (2 Tim. 3:1)

    And they could still be saying that another one hundred years from now ,or even two hundred years from now and so on ,think about it.

  • punkofnice
    WERE you born after the year 1914?

    Image result for uncontrollable laughter
    Seriously. The Jobos in Warwick HAVE lost their minds. Out of touch with reality.

  • steve2

    WERE you born after the year 1914? If so, you have lived your entire life during “the last days” of the present system of things. (2 Tim. 3:1)

    Paragraph proves that only the stupidest of minds now write for the Watchtowere. And, of course, not one word about the millions who were born after the year 1914 and have since died of very old age.

  • Diogenesister

    Where you born after the year 2014 would be more reasonable. Quite a few kids born in that year would be able to make out a few words in that nutty sentence, and certainly know the numbers!

  • Ding

    Maybe we were born in 1914 or before if our lives overlapped someone who was born back then.

  • smiddy3

    It could be worse, they could have asked if you were born before 1914 and how happyfying it is for you to know your now living in the last days ?

  • waton

    That is what watchtower really has to offer: a place in wt history, in "the last days" counting up, not down from 1914.

    In comparison, take any non- wt endeavour, what phantasmic progress has been made. what a glorious time to live in, if you and yours made the right choices.

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