What Is Brain Washing?

by Brokeback Watchtower 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I don't think this applies to the Watchtower corporation as the beginning this is talking about the more extreme forms. But interesting just the same.

    I'm sure we see some of the WT's depictions of death and and destruction(verbal and in pictures) that awaits those not in corporate "Jehovah's" favor, a clear uses of inducing maximum fear and stress to make the mind more suggestable to corporate directives. Maybe not to the extent of Pavlov dog but very open to new ideas non the less.


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I wonder if some good data on mind control can be used in a court of law to make the WT financially vulnerable to numerous lawsuit from every angle and it harmful use of disfellowshipping individuals emotionally. I think the day is coming as society becomes more enlightened about harm such brainwashing has on people or how evil it can be while being used by a charitable organization that hides behind religious freedom, who's bottom line is profits no matter who it harms/kills.

  • rebel8
    To me, it matters not what you call it, but the ethics of it--the impact it has on the target, the dishonesty involved, the manipulation and harm.
  • tepidpoultry

    NWT talks about "mental regulation" , Paul says that the goal is: that "every thought become captive to the Christ", FOG (Fear Obligation Guilt) sounds to me like brainwashing, just a more insidious form,

    Brainwashing lite?


  • Brokeback Watchtower
  • David_Jay

    While there is no scientifically agreed upon definition, and even some debate if such a thing exists among academics, the general consensus is that "brain washing" is a means of forcing people to submit or assent to direction to change the thought processes which govern their behavior and exchange their previous convictions for a new set of views and behavior patterns.

    The "forcing" part is usually by means of threat, usually of pain/torture, even death. In exchange for being guaranteed that they will be spared from the threat, the subject submits their assent to the demands of the one in control.

    The assent usually involves a systematic education and training program in which the individual changes their way of thinking and acting, being educated in the discipline of fighting any threat to their new conditioning.

    "Brain washing" is considered complete when the subject follows the demands of the controller even when that party is no longer present or even dead. A person who is "brain washed" may not be able to function as normally as before even after deprogramming.

    Those academics which agree that the situation is real or at least possible often add that it takes an educational background in psychology to properly brain wash a subject. Others suggest some people may have learned to be manipulative enough of others to perform a similar type of "brain washing."

    Other experts disagree, focusing on the fact that assent of the subject is always required to some degree, and therefore at its core no one is actually "brain washed," merely willing to give up certain freedoms to avoid the threat placed upon them.

    In my humble opinion, the amount of personal assent is not the issue as much as the training that is designed to keep people from realizing the threat may not be real or that they can freely choose not to assent without suffering in some instances. When this occurs, when the threat is a lie and people are trained to fight doubt and the understanding that they can be free whenever they want, then I think "brain washing" is what we're looking at.

    But until it can be established by critical methods, "brain washing" is merely hypothetical and not theoretical (which it would need to be in order to be argued about in a court of law).

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    "Brain washing" is considered complete when the subject follows the demands of the controller even when that party is no longer present or even dead. A person who is "brain washed" may not be able to function as normally as before even after deprogramming.

    You are talking about extreme forms of brain washing along the lines of Pavlov dog experiment and so the term 'brain washing' referring to that form may also depending of the context and education of the person may simply be the zombie of a religions experience programmed by a controlling pastor.

  • David_Jay
    You are talking about extreme forms of brain washing along the lines of Pavlov dog experiment and so the term 'brain washing' referring to that form may also depending of the context and education of the person may simply be the zombie of a religions experience programmed by a controlling pastor.

    Well, if you already know, why ask: "What Is Brain Washing?" Why not be more honest in your thread's title and write: "Let Me Tell You What I Believe Brain Washing Is (and I will let you know what I think of your views if you add anything to my thread)."

    We used to use this tactic when out in field service as Witnesses. We would ask the householder a question, not because we wanted an answer but so that we could steer the conversation in the way we wanted it to go.

    "What do you think brings true happiness?" we would ask the people we met. We weren't asking because we valued their viewpoint, but so that we could correct it with "the Truth" from the Watchtower.

  • 2+2=5

    Didn't Anthony Morris, when replying to the accusation that JWs are brain washed, describe the JWs as 'brain cleaned'..? His audience was eating it up with a spoon..... terrible.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Yeah throw the fear of God into them and then flood their neurons with Watchtower Corporation propaganda 5 meetings a week and lots of field service selling their product to enslave their readership into abject corporation servitude. That's AM#3 attitude for their members,,, forbid all kinds of bull shit dress types that corporate 'Jehovah' finds disgusting, and forbid self gradification by masturbation included.

    Keep the brainwashed R&F in servitude to corporation 'Jehovah' seems to be his idea of loyalty to a worthy cause WT's and bring praise to his great imaginary friend in the sky.

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