Organization (Part 1 & 2)--1938 Watchtower

by onacruse 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cyberguy

    Thanks "onacruse!"

    I never realized the Society’s position until you posted these references. I speed-read them, but will need to further "digest" (SIC--sorry for that!) what is being said. I was a little taken-back by references made to the "1925" date! It looks like they (Rutherford) were trying to SAVE FACE (hehe)! Anyway, I’ll post more after doing a more careful reading of this. Once again, thanks for this posting, it was very enlightening!

  • onacruse

    Hey cyber, don't egg me on like that; you tempt me to post the 1932 articles and the 1944 articles, and then I'd really be in trouble...probably get run out on a rail for spamming LOL


  • Odrade

    Wasn't there another Franz who parted company with the Bible Students at that time? An uncle or Brother of Fred Franz? Very interesting stuff Craig, thanks.


  • onacruse

    Odrade, that doesn't ring a bell, but perhaps you're thinking of Albert Franz, Fred's brother?

    Another thing that adds dimension to this whole story:

    *** ip-2 chap. 21 p. 317 True Worship Expands Worldwide ***


    By 1919, congregations had elders and deacons who were elected in a democratic way. Starting in that year, a service director was theocratically appointed to supervise field service activities in the congregation, but there were cases where some elected elders resisted the service director. In 1932, things changed. Through the Watchtower magazine, congregations were instructed to discontinue the electing of elders and deacons. Rather, they would elect a service committee to work along with the service director. That was a great improvement.

    So for almost 20 years Rutherford had been positioning his Brooklyn lackeys into every possible company.

    Wanna guess who became the "company servants" (aka congregation servants) when the switcheroo came fully into force in 1938?


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."Said “eleventh year” mentioned at 1 Kings 6:38 was seven years after 1035 BE, when Solomon began to build the temple, or in 1028 BE, and the temple dedication in the seventh month thereof would correspond with October, AD 1925. The dedication was about seven years and five and one-half months after the temple building was begun. The Memorial in 1925 was celebrated April 8, 1925. Hence the seventh Jewish month was about coincident with October 1925. The completion of the temple in the “eighth month” of the same year was about seven years six months after the building was begun. The completion thereof would therefore correspond with November 1925"....

    All this of course 7 years after the "Lord came to his Temple" in 1918 and there are those good old parallel time dispensations still being applied as late as 1938.Amazing that when Solomon offered that prayer long ago, God put the words in his mouth so the remnant, in 1925, could fullfill what he said in antitype with their "message of hope" resolution.

    It causes one to wonder when they finally fully abandoned trying to manifest parallel time fullfillments.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well Craigy baby, Ive read them and Ive got a couple of questions.

    Firstly, the articles condemn "Elected Elders" who laud it over the flock, acting as "bosses". I think theres a bit of transferral going on with such accusations. What the hell was uncle Joe Rutherford if he was not a BOSS ??

    Secondly, the articles, in numerous places, condemn "heirachically structured" organizations as "Satanic". The pyramidlike org is the work of the devil. But what are "Zone overseers", "District overseers" "Circuit overseers" and "Congregation overseers" if they are not positions in a HEIRACHICAL AUTHORITY?? You can call a boss a "servant" as much as you like, but a boss is still a Boss.

    No wonder 3 quarters of the membership stopped attending. They voted with their feet.

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