Hair-raising Tale!

by Free2Bme 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    Reminded me of an elder I knew who never parted with money if he could help it.He was well known for his "cons" that he proudly boasted about.
    One time he took his elderly mum to buy a new coat.The shop assistant was the old-fashioned kind hardly heard of now (helpful).In order to assist the elder and mum to decide on the right coat she nipped into the hat dept nearby and popped the rather expensive creation on the sisters head.Predictably she enthused how the hat went with the coat.So the elder smiled and said he'd take them and no doubt the shop asst was feeling pleased with herself.Until the subject of money came up.Our crafty elder refused to pay for the hat and when superiors were summoned to the scene he insisted the hat was free with the coat because the assistant had said they "went" together.And he got it.
    He did the same thing over a car deal that amounted to a much larger sum and again he pounced on the way something was worded to gain advantage.Mmmm good elder qualifications anyway..

    I curtsy to a Master.
    Sorry m'lud


    How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards...

  • Mulan

    This is a current one: I know a woman, late 50's, widow, who is having her second sexual affair with a non Witness. She tells her daughter, a loyal dub, that she wants to marry again, but definitely not a dub this time. She feels her sex life is no one's business, and has "okayed it with Jehovah". So much for the elders!! She goes to meetings and out in service. The daughter, unable to handle the hypocrisy, has changed congregations, but will never turn in her mum.

  • Monica

    Wow! Some very interesting tales here!

    I do not have any to share about others, but I can tell you that I was the 'butt' of one gossip story that I caused my best friend's anorexia. I was very hurt by it, but our family was the family that everyone blamed when the elder's kids did something wrong. And, I was to blame for her anorexia because we got into a disagreement about something.

    I just want to say thanks to all who have welcomed me and I really am enjoying most everyone's posts!

    FREE2BEME - really interesting thread you started!!

  • jezebel influence
    jezebel influence

    I have seen many jw women who suddenly lose too much weight so that its obviously an eating disorder.This is another side affect of having people control your life and wanting to be perfect!

    I also had an experience where I found my best friend had blamed me for something that we were both equally to blame for,and as she was the perfect little elders daughter no one second guessed her story.

    Not such a loyal friend..I would never have done that to her.


  • bluesapphire

    I have a juicy one about my husband's mother. She's a hard-core pioneer for over 20 years. She divorced my husband's dad and called herself a "widow" for years to get favors from everyone. When my husband was 15 she pulled him out of school and made him get a job so she could pioneer. The whole time she was collecting child support too! When he turned 18 she came up with a scheme to buy a mobile home where they could live until armageddon. But she had terrible credit so no one would finance it.

    So she bought one with the owner carrying the note. She put my husband's name on the note but told my husband his name was only going on the deed in case she died. He was so young and didn't have a clue he was being conned into being a co-signor. For years she was late on the payments even though my husband would give her the money, not caring about her young son's credit or anything.

    Then I came along and figured out the whole con, having been a homeowner myself in the past.

    When my husband and I got married he moved out and she couldn't afford to live there alone so she moved out and rented it out. She was collecting the money for the rent and telling everybody that the renters weren't paying. Then she wasn't paying the mortgage and telling the owners of the mobile that she was dirt broke. They had no clue that she had moved out and had it rented out. They were very nice and patient people who were ripped off of more than one year's worth of mortgage payments.

    One day the floor caved in and we found out she hadn't been paying the homeowners insurance either. I finally convinced my husband to put the home on the market and he sold it out from under her. She tried every scheme imaginable to prevent the sale by scaring away prospective buyers and telling them it wasn't for sale. But in the end we won.

    She got her initial $5000 back but she spread the rumor that she lost all her money because of the cruelty of her own son.

    I got fed up with the situation and wrote a six page letter to her presiding overseer accusing her of being a "greedy person" and asked them to discipline her. The reply was that it was "none of their business or MY business." They said it was between my husband and his mother and I as a wife had NOTHING to do with it.

    But it had been these same elders business to counsel my husband not to marry me in the first place. But now they felt it was none of their business to counsel her to pay her debts and be honest about it. I even told them she hadn't payed her taxes in years. They still said that her finances were her own business. So I asked them if she had stuck a quarter in a slot machine if it would have been their business then? They said "yes."


  • Monica


    I think the elder's kids have it so tough trying to be 'perfect'. This friend never started the rumors, it was her mother, but I was upset that this friend didn't defend me (long story). She had many other problems as well, including drinking. One night she was caught drunk after she had driven home from a party. She lied and said she was with me and I let her drive home. I was furious and told her she better tell her parents the truth. It kind of put a wedge in our friendship and we didn't talk much the next few months. To make a long story short, almost a year after this argument, she was in a tragic car accident - need I say more?

  • TR

    Welcome FREE2Bme!

    My first glance also.

    Here's a good one.

    There's this JW couple who is having marital problems. So, the wife goes to her husband's JW brother to cry on his shoulder. Well, no suprise, they end up sleeping together. Then the married couple get a divorce. The JW xwife then marries her JW x's JW brother! The daughter's uncle is now her step-father! These two 'brothers' even exchanged gunfire at one point. I'm wondering what family reunions are like in this bass-ackwards family.


    "cults suck"

  • LadyBug

    BOO! I have deeeeminnnnz, you know! :)

    Sorry Farkel, your not scary enough. Don't believe in deeeminnnz.

    BugEyes Wife

  • Jang

    BEW --- you may not believe in deeeeemmuuuunzzzzzz .......

    but watch out for those eeeffful spoorites ......


  • LDH


    Just to let you know--when I tried to respond to your post, the board bug ate it! Simon had problems with a bug for a couple of days, right when you posted.

    Suggestion--It is OK to bring your topic back to the top--no one gets offended. There are a ton of posts and lately it taked forever to read through them all!

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