Why is it ok for witnesses to go to Church backed hospitals?

by stuckinarut2 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    If witnesses should "get out of Babylon the Great" then why is it ok to go into hospitals that have been set up, and have funding from Churches?

    Isnt that a little contradictory or hypocritical?

  • pepperheart
    yes but JWs can be very two faced
  • OneEyedJoe
    I actually wondered that many times. But I had a really good orthopedist at the Methodist hospital so I didn't fight it.
  • Dagney

    My mom ended up in a Lutheran assisted living facility, put there by my brother a COBE. It was a wonderful place for her with the nicest people. When I saw the sign for the first time I said loudly, "Thank you Lutherans!"

    Crickets I tell you.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Yet they disfellowship those who join the YMCA.
  • nonjwspouse
    I have noticed the witnesses feel o qualms at taking when they need. taking church charity based clothing, food, money, attending a church run hospital when it is a good one. The double life way of thinking is incredulous, and so dam* hypocritical.
  • HappyDad

    When my daughter was born in 1971 our Dr. was a JW. He was somewhat borderline JW but that was ok because he was a Dr. He was a very good Dr. and a very good person and I wonder how much of the bs he actually believed. I had some very good off topic conversations with him. Anyway......he was associated with St. Joseph's Hospital in Pittsburgh and that is where my daughter was born. There were a few "easily offended and stumbled" a..holes in the cong. that had questions about the hospital but the powers that be stood firm that there was no problem.



    Why is it ok for witnesses to go to Church backed hospitals?

    Because.....Watchtower doesn`t have any..

    WatchTower is a Business.....Not a Charity..

    No Good Will Stores.....No Soup Kitchens.....No Hospitals..


    Watchtower "WILL" take your Children`s Ice Cream Money!..


    .............................................................................You Just Made..

    .....................OH NO!.....................................The Wrong Choice Kid!..

    Image result for Watchtower Sophia Ice Cream money.....Image result for Watchtower Sophia Ice Cream money


    ......................Next Time...................................This WatchTower "Rock Star" Pope..

    ..Give the Watchtower Your Money.............................Needs a New Rolex!..

    Image result for Watchtower Sophia Ice Cream money....Image result for Watchtower Sophia Ice Cream money

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    JW hospitals slogan, " We take blood but don't give it,"and we will not admit ex-JW's.
  • baker
    can't find any JW health care facilities.

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