Friend Is Worried About My “Mental Health”

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    One of my tennis friends who happens also to be a nurse, told me today that he is concerned about my mental health because I support Donald Trump. I believe he got shafted but I also recognize that very little will probably change regarding his being re-elected.

    This man voted for the “Green” candidate and said he personally agrees with most of Trump’s views but he thinks he’s morally corrupt. I mentioned that most Presidents were not choir boys and history is very telling. He agreed. Then he said my stance on Trump bothers him so much he really doesn’t want to talk politics again. I said, I had no problem with that because my friendship with him is more important than Trump. Then he said he was concerned that I was in a Trump cult . I assured him I knew about cults and I wasn’t a cultist and then reminded him of our agreement not to talk politics. He agreed. Today, the first thing he said was once again he was concerned with my mental health because I believed that Biden didn’t really win. He said all these people were in a conspiracy to stop Trump from becoming President??? I answered this way.: Do you agree that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and shot Kennedy as the Commission said and the government maintains? He got quiet and we began to play. By the way he lost two out of three sets. (Lol)

  • btlc

    Maybe, in the future, all electional dilemmas could be judged at tennis court?

  • peacefulpete

    The entire election cycle was huge mental health issue. I have friends losing sleep and others ready to take up arms. Becoming indignant and heated about things we cannot control is simply unhealthy, and its unhealthy to our relationships.


  • minimus

    Losing friendships because of politics is silly. Viewing someone as mentally unhealthy because of politics is pretty narrow minded.

    It’s the same attitude you sometimes see with JWs . If you don’t believe their way, you are “mentally diseased “.

  • mickbobcat

    Its amazing how liberal idiots will say bull crap like this and never debate the issues. I would say cut them off and let them go as they are idiots. Or you can say so you are for open boarders, man pissing with your daughter who ID as a woman, letting illegals have free medical, burning and looting cities, riots and ending fossil fuel, killing free speech, ending the second amendment, paying reparations to those who were never slaves, hating America first, calling our nation evil, making racism against whites OK, attacking religion [Christian] Islam and Buddhism and Satanism is fine, destroying capitalism, embracing socialism/communism, and in general controlling our lives to a degree not seen outside of places like Cuba, USSR and Communist China. Ya and I am the one with mental health issues. Sounds like they need a lobotomy.

  • scary21

    I would never have a problem with my friends that voted for Biden but they sure have a problem with me. I have never unfriended anyone but they have unfriended me.

    I just saw a video of a young women who was interviewing people on the street that voted for Biden. She named 5 things that Trump has done but told them these 5 things were things that Biden was GOING to do. They all loved the things that Biden was going to do. Like the first step act. When she told them these things were already done by Trump, boy were they pissed.

    Then she told them that Biden was one of the people that sent these young black men to overly long prison sentances at which the first step act recitfied and helped black men return to their families.

    I love this stuff ! LOL

    It reminds me of when the governing body was signing bibles for the dignitaries in Cuba. I told some JW's that it was the pope that was signing bibles. They thought that was just terrible. You should have seen their faces when I told them it was the governing body. All of a sudden they made the most crazy excuses.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    I think your friend is saying youre batshit crazy..Min

    Do you think hes on to something ?

  • Diogenesister

    😂🤣🤣🤣Oh Min....Classic thread!!!

    if I’m honest, I do think you’re a little eccentric. But I wouldn’t have you any other way!!!

  • minimus

    I ask questions here but I don’t think anyone that knows me would consider me eccentric. That one actually made me laugh! Maybe slightly batshit crazy though. After being here so long , it can have an effect you know.😜

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    When you disagree with WT reps for valid reasons, the GB will put out videos saying that apostates are mentally diseased. Next thing is elders start to express that view. So you can tell what elders have been watching and what they are invested in.

    I don't know the facts of this political issue but I do know that when people don't want to agree with you but cannot put together a valid/proved set of facts to establish their point, some turn to ridicule or call you mad. But they have gone right of the topic and suddenly it is all your problem - because you wont agree with them.

    Jesus Christ experienced similar.

    (Matthew 12:24-27) . . .At hearing this, the Pharisees said: “This fellow does not expel the demons except by means of Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.” 25 Knowing their thoughts, he said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself comes to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 In the same way, if Satan expels Satan, he has become divided against himself; how, then, will his kingdom stand? 27 Moreover, if I expel the demons by means of Beelzebub, by means of whom do your sons expel them? This is why they will be judges of you.

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