R movies

by longday 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • longday

    OK I know from being in the cult for many years some will watch R movies and just do it on the down low at home. I know of some who would walk out of a room or leave if someone played an R movie when they were visiting. My ex partner who was an elder would walk out of a room if anyone played anything that was remotely questionable.

    But when we were on a job several times and had to wait for something and the home owner was not home if I saw a movie that I knew was over the top I would play it on the VCR to see what would happen. One day we had to wait a few hours and I popped in Clock Work orange. This is almost an X, or in some cuts it is an X. Any way We waited for our supplies and watched the whole movie. For the next several years when ever we would get screwed by a customer or shop he would start singing, Singing in the rain and do the kick like the movie. On a couple of occasions I put in a porn take with fisting and anal an he would sit there mouth open and just watch shaking his head as if to say, I did not know you could do that, but never walk out.

    So to my mind the R rating was for show for many JWs. But I was wondering what do the dubs do today with the rating system so convoluted? No you have TV MA among others and a lot of not rated. Any official dogma on this?

  • Biahi

    My mom took me to see Carrie when we were on vacation out of state. I loved it, later said I identified with Carrie with the odd religion, she took offense at that, didn’t see the similarities. I was 12 years old.

  • APieceOfShitNamedTate
    I know a sister that will change the channel even when it's just a commercial for a scary movie.
  • moreconfusedthanever

    I think it is a very individual thing and left mostly to conscience.

    They do have articles in the magazines that will give you the idea that a "true chrisitian" wants to be careful about watching things that would offend Jehovah such as spiritistic or demonic things or extreme violence or pornography.

    Still you will have ones that will watch Harry Potter with no issue and others that will be scared of inviting demons into their home if they were to do so.

    We recently had a sister tell my son that Dr Strange should not be watched because the bible warns against witches and magic and therefore we do not want to be entertained by such things.

    Some will walk out of the cinema if something questionable comes up and others will stay put because they spent the money to go.

  • longday

    Well I know that you can get removed as an elder or MS if you are seen going to an R movie. I think they can even remove a pioneer for it. I don't believe it is a DFing offense but you would be considered not a mature JW for going to see one.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i never knew what an R movie was.. i thought maybe like the infamous snuff movies of the 80's. i dont like watching murder films. rather watch people have sex than kill each other.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The movie rating system is a good idea.

    Little children shouldn't be watching:

    A Clockwork Orange (1971)

    The Last House on the Left (1972)

    The Exorcist (1973)

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

    ... or even One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1975).

    Adults can obviously choose to watch R-rated movies or not. JWs are in a cult so any film with 'adult content' is strictly verboten.

    The R rating is no indicator of whether a film is good or crap. If a film has strong language (fucks and cunts), drug use or sex scenes, it will have an R rating.

    Here are some R-rated movies which are crap ... Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991), Alien Resurrection (1997) and Halloween Resurrection (2002).

    And here are some that are fantastic, ones among others that I highly recommend ... The Shining (1980), Aliens (1986), Robocop (1987), The Silence of the Lambs (1991).

    Just to add, the following explains movie ratings in the US and UK ...

    R = 15 or 18

    PG-13 = 12

    PG = PG

    U = U

    In the UK, films rated 12, 15 and 18 indicate the minimum age that people have to be to see the film.

    Porn films show sex acts (vaginal, oral and anal sex, fisting and masturbation) explicitly and are rated restricted 18 in the UK. I think this corresponds to the X rating in the US.

  • longday

    When I got married in 80 I took my wife to her first R movie. Stir Crazy with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. I have never stopped. Ratings mean nothing to me. Content does. I have seen family movies that are great and R and higher that are great and ones that are crap. But its subjective, what is crap to me may be the greatest thing to you.

    My movie tastes have changed over the years. When I was young I loved blow em up and shoot em up. Now not so much. I enjoy twists such as The Others, things with a Hitchcock twist. Good Horror and I agree anything Freddy or Jason of Halloween is crap. Good horror like The Exorcist, The Shining, Rosemary's Baby, The Thing, It, to name a few. The crap teen slasher movies I would not give you a dime for a dozen.

    But I was wondering if there was any new teaching on what a cult member can see or if its subjective unless there is a rating on it?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    this just jogged my memory.

    when i was first dating my born in girlfriend ( we married about 3 years later )--my jw dad decided to take us to the cinema...there was a film he had heard about.

    it was hitchcock's "psycho".

    i dont know how we sat through it.

    i dont know why my girlfriend didnt ditch me after that

    for the rest of his life i used to tease my dad about it.

  • blondie




    This need is shown by the report by parents of a six-​year-​old boy who had just entered kindergarten. “During the first week in kindergarten, our son was sexually accosted by another boy in the 15 minutes he rides the school bus. This went on for several days. It was not merely child’s play or playing doctor but was abnormal, explicit behavior.

    Many of the children in our son’s class attend R-rated movies with their parents. Perhaps the parents consider it safer to take them than leave them in the questionable care of a baby-​sitter. Some of the children watch R- and X-rated movies either through the cable or on movies their parents keep at home.

    (The rest of this article ties in sexual abuse by minors on other minors to be caused by seeing R-rated movies…caution advised)


    ‘MOVIES don’t really influence me,’ claims one teenager named Karen, ‘because I go to movies to get shocked and scared, just to be entertained.’ Many youths make a similar claim of being immune to the influence of films. Young Georgia, however, disagrees. Having seen a number of R-rated movies, she says: “You never forget those scenes . . . The more you think about them, the more you find yourself wanting to do what you’ve seen.”* *In the United States, no one under 17 is supposed to be admitted (unless accompanied by a parent or a guardian) to any film rated R, or restricted, by the Motion Picture Association of America. Such films generally contain graphic violence, foul language, or graphic sex and nudity. All too often, though, the restrictions are not enforced, and youths are allowed admittance.

    Many of the children in our son’s class attend R-rated movies with their parents. Perhaps the parents consider it safer to take them than leave them in the questionable care of a baby-​sitter. Some of the children watch R- and X-rated movies either through the cable or on movies their parents keep at home.

    (The rest of this article ties in sexual abuse by minors on other minors to be caused by seeing R-rated movies…caution advised)


    Even though an individual feels it is a ‘personal matter of conscience,’ if it damages others it can lead to his receiving Jehovah’s adverse judgment. This shows how deceptive it can be to think ‘if it is up to my conscience, it is all right.’

    13 Consider the experience of a couple who were having a Bible study, attending meetings and approaching baptism. An elder in the congregation told the man of his having enjoyed a certain motion picture. The man replied, ‘What! Do you go to see R-rated movies?’* The elder tried to excuse his actions, saying that certain of these films (considered questionable even by the world) have value if the objectionable aspects are ignored. But it appears that the man was affected. After that he progressed more slowly than his wife. Had the elder reflected on texts such as Colossians 3:2-8, Ephesians 5:3-5 and Matthew 7:12, they might have affected his conscience and his conduct.​—1 Corinthians 9:22, 25-27.

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