Financially Are You Doing Better Than A Couple of Years Ago?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tameria2001

    Yes, much better, I'm able to work on my credit rating. The past few years really put it in the toilet.

  • minimus

    Yeah, I wonder how this Coronavirus will affect things.

  • Simon

    Stocks are taking a tumble which will affect most people, but the markets tend to over-react and previous "outbreak" emergencies have seen things bounce back (although it was probably due for a correction soon anyway)

    It can be horrible looking at your RRSP, 401K or whatever, but it should be viewed as a buying opportunity. Isn't it funny how people invest differently to regular buying? "OMG, the prices are at an all time high - I'm buying things NOW!". Irrational exuberance and FOMO.

  • jp1692

    Much, but in my case it's because I finished my education after leaving the JW cult and now am able to earn more money.

  • minimus

    Leaving the Witnesses and applying yourself can be a recipe for a good living

  • jp1692

    Yes it can, Minimus. Yes it can!

  • Simon

    You can spend all that time on yourself, either recharging your batteries or learning / building a business. You easily get an extra 8 hours a week just by not being a JW, and additional direct monetary savings. Heck, it's hard not to come out ahead just by the gas you save.

  • minimus

    And now that they have sold kingdom halls left and right witnesses have to drive further and further

  • FedUpJW

    Much better off. Stocks did take a big hit over the last couple days, but over the long term they are much higher now than they were even six or eight months ago, even after the current downturn.

  • RandomUserName3500

    way better than a few years ago (when I was a JW)

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