Since leaving WTTS have you joined a new church or just continue with the new beliefs you have discovered under no religion?

by AmIright 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts
    Finkelstein10 hours ago

    Religion is a scam made up by mostly ignorant disingenuous power seeking men.

    This is how I feel. Moving to another religion is basically looking for a different set of men to be scammed by. Why would any one religious leader be chosen to impart truth over all the tens of thousands that claim to be God's mouthpiece?

  • zeb
    I was on a walk. met this other guy. We conversed and he saw I was depressed. He listened without dogma and invited me to attend his church. Then he says he is the minister of same church. He was horrified to hear of the wt revelations and goings on at the ARC and the endemic child abuse. I thanked him but declined.
  • just fine
    just fine
    No more religion, but if you find one that works for you, I won't try to sway you. I don't need a religion to fill any sort of "hole" in my life. I have found a belief system that works for me, and I hope everyone here can find their path too.
  • TheLiberator

    Joined? I hate that word. The Watchtower lies and says they have no membership. Of course, baptism is the membership. I do attend a small Bible study group. These groups are scattered throughout the world. No membership. Not even baptism. No gb. No actual leader. The group i attend, an exjw is now "taking the lead". I just now started assisting him. In fact. I have met several exjws. It is absolutely not a high control group. We have about ten core beliefs in common. It is recognized that we live in the midst of the wheat and the weeds. No one can claim absolute truth. So much in the Bible is a conscience matter that the Watchtower wanted to control. It reminds me of what Russell started. But I feel like anything else in life, you need to be aware of your surroundings. If Rutherford steps through the door, jump out a window as fast as you can!!!

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    I became a member of my old Church before becoming a JW. When the minister ask me

    to start a group to go door to door like the JW I left. No more religion for me....

  • Giordano

    This is what I knew before I was a witness......this is what I knew while I was a witness........ try as I might.......and this is what I knew after being a witness......that the natural language of god is silence.......everything else is a bad translation.

    Enjoy your freedom and never give it up......... but a decent person.

  • Crazyguy
    I was on my way to being what I thought was a true Christian even went to a couple of church sevices but as I was studying I ran across a documents metioning a cannannite god named EL and the city of Ugarit discovered in 1929. Well now I'm an agnostic but also with what I have experienced in my life with a child that's going through some of the worst pain ever recorded with her condition I have to say if there is a god because he or she is doing nothing about the pain and peoples suffereing. He she whatever it is can go strait to Hell! I have more love in my left pinky nail then this diety has in all its being!
  • Freeandclear

    I think there most likely was a "first cause", I mean, all of this around us got here somehow, most likely not by blind chance. Something doesn't appear out of nothing.... I do not believe in the Bible anymore at all. It's far to vague and scattered to be from a One True God, and there is no crystal clear message for all mankind. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all that "God" would have a book written that was so hard to understand and that so many people interpret differently.

    The only time I really feel truly spiritual is when I'm in nature. When I see a sunset, a sunrise, a huge mountain, or if I'm under water scuba diving and looking at all the amazing colors and fish, or around animals. This is when I feel like there might be a God.

    My conclusion? Simply this: be good to one another. Treat others well and do no harm. What happens after we die is anyone's guess, and yes, it's simply that a guess. No one knows.

    So either God does exist or he doesn't. Either way I'm going to live the best life I can, cherishing every single moment, and I'm going to treat people with dignity and respect and try very hard to harm no one intentionally, but the rest? Well, that's for us to find out.

  • Bud Stars
    Bud Stars

    Well put FrreandClear. Certainly if God wanted to be worshipped in a certain way, he could make it clear to humans. Mankind seems to have an urge to worship a diety. Suffering continues worldwide and that challenges any belief in a benevolent god. We left 8 years ago and feel as though we have put in enough worship time for a lifetime since we were heavily involved in the whole theocratic schedule.

    No desire to join a church so far. The only real benefit of a congreation is a sense of community.

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