Looking for evolutionary info on how smells can be carried on DNA

by Crabby 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm


    My conclusion to the mouse experiment is that there is likely a layer to DNA information storage, that may be completely not understood, or perhaps not even seen.

    But nobody on this thread is questioning that, just look at the wikipedia page which describe alternative ways information can be passed to offspring!

    The conclusion is the end, since this is new there is no conclusion. Conclusions are needed for personality types that need closure and are not prepared to experiment and evaluate the results

    aha. So this talk about epigenetics, dogs and generally insulting people on this board on their level of education and you don't use the example of dogs to support any particular point. Oh dear...

  • bohm

    and by the way, my nym is spelled "Bohm", after the physicist.

  • Hadriel

    I've asked a 100 times for Cofty Viviane and other to explain the biochemical charge and all I get are crickets.

    They simply can't bring themselves to say "I don't know" or "I can't explain it".

    It is the Holy Grail related to Evolution. If they are so separate why was Darwin so interested in the Origin?

    Because it matters. Admit it and move on...

  • Crabby

    Hadriel, if you follow in the teachings of Jesus you will never admit that the lack of knowledge is acceptable and move on. We must continue to learn so we can make the World a better place and cure diseases as Jesus set the path for us to do. Why do you fear understanding, are you a brainwashed cult member? https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn24677-fear-of-a-smell-can-be-passed-down-several-generations/

  • Crabby

    Bohn you really need to do your own searches and place very little emphasis on just one Wiki page as morons are allowed to post their opinions as fact on wiki. So get a little less obsessive compulsive about this one page as there are millions more out there.

  • cofty
    I've asked a 100 times for Cofty Viviane and other to explain the biochemical charge - Hadriel

    It is still a nonsensical question. There is no such thing as "THE biochemical charge". It is just gibberish.

    I offered to discuss any aspect of origin of life that you want to ask about. I asked you to first take a couple of minutes to set out what you think scientists understand so far about abiogenesis.

    You refused to do so. Why?

    Crabs - This question about smell has been answered. Get your fingers out your ears.

    The answer is epigenetics.

    There are no genes for smells. There are no "new smells".

    Odours are mixtures of molecules.

    We have 800 active genes for olfactory receptors that fire in response to odours. Combinations of receptors fire simultaneously combining their signals to the brain and enabling us to detect far far more than 800 smells. In a similar way our three colour receptors fire simultaneously to allow us to see thousands of colours.

    Every receptor is coded for by genes. The parts of our brains that decode the signals are coded by genes. The chemical signals that trigger memories, sexual attraction, repulsion, hunger, fear or nausea in response to specific smells are coded for by combinations of genes. Every one of those genes can be turned on or off by methylation.

    What are you trying to prove by making the blindingly obvious point that not all of the specific details have been unravelled ?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I've asked a 100 times for Cofty Viviane and other to explain the biochemical charge and all I get are crickets.

    They simply can't bring themselves to say "I don't know" or "I can't explain it".

    There's nothing wrong with saying "I don't know" but all good scientists aren't satisfied with that. Science is a reliable way to find out things and answer questions.

    Also, admitting ignorance is not really a good reason for inserting a designer into the issue.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Crabby: RNA/DNA could quite well generate in a pool of mud. Researchers have "cooked" ribonucleotides out of otherwise basic molecules and the Miller-Urey experiments also demonstrate the building blocks of life are easy to generate, perhaps inevitable given enough time.

    How exactly it all happened is still hard to say but invoking a deity is just lazy or plain dishonest at this point in history. Gods of the gaps are shrinking on a daily basis.

    People have given good enough methods for a lay person to understand. If you want to know the details, pick up a textbook or go finish high school.

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