87 jw dead due to Corona in Netherlands

by Gorbatchov 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    This may help you answer the question I posed: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm

  • slimboyfat

    Oh, that’s right Anders. I missed a zero!

    So JWs are definitely over represented in coronavirus deaths in the Netherlands.

    Which is perhaps not surprising, if a lot of JWs in the Netherlands are immigrants with darker skin and/or are poorer than the general population—groups identified in London and New York are especially vulnerable to the virus. (Everyone should be taking vitamin D, especially if you have darker skin, or the further north you live!)

    Given the frequency of circuit assemblies, I wonder if any assemblies in February and early March could be tied to “super spreader” events. On a worldwide basis, given how cramped some assemblies halls can be, it seems a likely possibility, though we may never hear about it.

  • WTWizard

    I am not too surprised. I wonder how many of them have factors putting them at high risk for dying or serious illness from coronavirus if they get it (and their ministry puts them in the line of fire). They rarely get enough sleep--too much wasted time studying and donating their energy into global communism for that. And there are too many with heart problems, diabetes, or cancer or that are morbidly obese. By morbidly obese, I mean they are so fat they cannot move without assistance or their being so fat is directly causing health problems.

    And their wretched diets! For lunch, most of them eat some fast, good-tasting poison from McDonalds. This is not going to build up their immune system so they at least have a fair chance of fighting it off. Eating that stuff every single day just so they can keep their time going is not doing their immune system or their weight any good.

  • JoenB75

    Were they mostly old and fragile... .?

  • smiddy3

    With 87 dead in the Netherlands wouldn`t that equate to thousands of JW`s having the virus ?

  • LV101

    Many residents of nursing homes only have state-sponsored insurance via Medicare and this is not good coverage. This is standard throughout the country. In this state they do not send COVID patients to the hospital. They are quarantined to separate area - same floor w/trained nurse. Residents who have not relinquished their private health insurance do have adequate coverage and the right to go to hospital or their families/power of attorneys decide.

    Since the lock down, the federal gov't has been sending military personnel to inspect nursing facilities to aid and assist re/health and cleanliness. Intense disinfecting measures have been going on.

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