The One Way Speed of Light Could Be Instantaneous

by Sea Breeze 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Physics students learn the speed of light, c, is the same for all inertial observers but no one has ever actually measured it in one direction. Assuming that light travels the same speed in all directions is a convention, rather than an experimentally verified fact. This really challenges what we think we know.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Distant starlight could be instantaneously displayed in real time on our retina. Wow! Apparently this has been known for over 117 years.

    I believe that Physicists will one day have a "theory of everything" seamlessly integrating relativity, Newtonian laws and quantum mechanics. When they do, we will probably find out how particles can be in two places same time and how light travels as a wave until observed, and then collapses into a particle so it can be detected on our retina.

    But, the bottom line is that we cannot know through experiment how long light from the stars has been traveling to reach us.

  • waton
    In 1676, the Danish astronomer Ole Roemer (1644–1710) became the first person to measure the speed of light. Roemer measured the speed of light by timing eclipses of Jupiter's moon Io.

    granted, jupiter is only 400 seconds compared to 4 years away, , the way light travels at c, but still the principles applies, after all, Jupiter and its moons shine in reflected star light the important star, our sun.

  • waton

    for the rotating light wave, as seen during its traject, it's travel, arrival is indeed instantaneous. it arrives at the same time it departed, it did not age.

    light is forever young. For A. Einstein thinking of surfing the wave of light, the clock on the church tower never turned or advanced. Eerily like James 1 has it: "there is no variation or turning of the shadow "( the sundial) for the eternal deity. but:

    that is not true of the observer. Earth orbit has 1000 light seconds diameter btw.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Good point waton:

    Eerily like James 1 has it: "there is no variation or turning of the shadow "( the sundial) for the eternal deity. but: that is not true of the observer.

    It definitely looks as if light was made specifically to be picked up by our retina. The way it travels as waves and collapses into particles upon observation is particularly astounding.

    Earth orbit has 1000 light seconds diameter btw.

    That's according to the round-trip measurement. The one way speed has yet to be measured. It could be up to half that. There is no way to tell the difference.

    When Naturalism/Evolution/Millions of years became popular, the world was much simpler place. There were no dna, dinosaur soft tissue and blood cells, carbon 14 in diamonds (the world's hardest substance) Cells were just jelly-like blobs that divided and not made up of thousands of interdependent parts.... Etc. It all made sense back then - 150 years ago.

    But science has shown the universe to be infinitely more complex and weirder than what previous generations could have imagined. It is certainly opposite of some hap hazard, non-directed explosion as naturalism dictates.

    Many things are true, regardless of how different they may be to our common experience. The average person would not believe that a 100 + lb. blacksmith anvil could be made to float in a liquid. It would be described as a "miracle".

    But, here it is:

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Questionable logic. Why is t h e trip out slow and return instantaneous? Is one way uphill? A circle makes more sense, start, and when done be at the original spot.

  • waton
    It definitely looks as if light was made specifically to be picked up by our retina. The way it travels as waves and collapses into particles upon observation is particularly astounding.

    SB: It has nothing special to do with our retina, there were waves long before retinas. Waves have a way to turn from a gentle rotation, like light, or ocean waves, into particles that hit you hard when they collapse, are absorbed. Wade into the big surf on the beach, and get smacked.

    light does not change speed upon reflection, coming or going from a mirror.

    there was an ancient belief, that our vision was kind of a radar, we initiated sight by emitting some magical "light" (the biblical beaming eyes, ha ha) and saw only the return message. hope you do not believe a modern version of that error.

    not that eyes do not reflect photons, (deers in the high beam) they have a double whammy upon , reflecting, leaving. this doubles the acuity of seeing.

    radiation pressure is double upon reflection than absorbing,

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    light does not change speed upon reflection, coming or going from a mirror

    Maybe, maybe not. The one-way speed of light has never been observed nor measured. The physics allow for instantaneous transmission upon observation.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    A speed of light has definitely been measured. We do it all the time. We measure radio waves in frequencies and we have even slowed down light to a relative snail’s pace. We even measure distances by the time it takes for a signal to reach another side through a medium like fiber optics or copper.

    First mistake: the speed of light is variable depending on the medium it is traveling through

    Second mistake: the theoretical maximum speed of the speed of light in a vacuum in a flat area of space has been empirically established

    Third mistake: the speed of light is not a speed barrier - the speed of light has been increasing ever since the Universe popped into existence, if you were an observer outside the Universe that is the speed of light has been increasing and at some point spacetime expansion will go faster than the speed of light. the speed of light can be a lot faster than the speed of light, information cannot travel faster than the speed of light. For example if you point a laser at the moon and then move that laser pointer very quickly back and forth, the laser, when viewed on the moon will appear to go back and forth faster than the speed of light, obviously with this method no information is being transferred to the moon any faster than the speed of light.

  • TD

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding

    Laser measuring devices have become so commonplace that you can buy one at Home Depot for under $100 --You point it at a flat surface and it tells you how far away it is, to the 64th of an inch, by measuring the time delay of the reflection.

    Laser scanners have also become very commonplace. Same principle as the measuring device except that it rotates, creating a point cloud. --Useful for an irregularly shaped room.

    Handheld LIDARs have pretty much replaced the old-fashioned radar guns in police departments. The officer points it at an oncoming vehicle and the device measures the speed of vehicle. Again, same principle as the simpler measuring device, except in this case, it takes a rapid series of measurements and compares the shortening of the distance to the time interval.

    The 13 minute and 48 second time interval in radio communication with the various Mars rovers (Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity, Curiosity, Perseverance etc.) and the little Ingenuity helicopter is one of the practical considerations in operating them.

    Even the length of traces on a motherboard has become an engineering consideration because of the delay of a longer trace verses a shorter one,

    All of this depends upon a known value for speed of light in the respective mediums.


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