Are Ex-JW's Suffering From Burn Out?

by IWant2Leave 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    There was a lot of big changes happening over the last few years that have settled down a bit.

    A few things I can think of is the change to the overlapping generation, the royal commission in Australia, sales of property in NY, leading to the move to Warwick, a major shift to downsizing the amount of physical literature, a move to videos and streaming, just to name a few.

    The org has changed faster in the last 7 years than in all its history.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Still in ones certainly burn out. A lot of are held hostage by family, otherwise we would drift off to being good people.

    We will never overcome no military experience(, or conversely no hippie), no college, no birthday, no xmas, no Halloween, that always crops up in life.

    Actually I think mom was pimo, I did get to a few birthday parties, did Halloween. Dad was too beat working 2 jobs to be a servant.

    A buddies mom and stepdad gave me a taste of xmas, new year. Helped me round out.

    My in wife fudges on DF family out of common sense. Meeting her did work well, she was a beauty ( old now), hot, and dedicated to her family and mine in turn

  • eyeuse2badub

    Like everything in life. As the newness wears off, so does the enthusiasm and zeal. Once the venting and ranting are done, it's then just about lending a hand of support to others who have found ttatt. Nice to know you're not alone too!

    just saying!

  • dubstepped

    I've been producing content since mid-2017 through my podcasts and YouTube channel. It's a ton of work and like the OP said it takes an emotional toll. Some create content because it is part of their own healing process and at a point they're finished because they just don't have anything left to offer. Others create content and see how much work it takes and decide they'd rather put that time and effort into other things that move them forward in life. There's a lot of drama in the ex-JW community and that can take a toll on people and become exhausting. Let's face it, leaving a cult doesn't mean you're healthy, it just means you left an unhealthy environment, not that you left the residue of that environment behind.

    I've had my moments when I was tired too or got exhausted by dealing with toxic people that have come my way. I've always wanted to do it to help other people though and someone letting me know how what I did helped them or maybe Watchtower doing something awful might light my fire again. I've been very consistent, and I've been able to do more and more. Last year I got to speak at a conference and did some work with ICSA. Now I work one on one with people professionally to help them heal and that really gets to the heart of things and keeps me going. I also run group meetups every week. I'm trying to create new ideas for content too as keeping it fresh is a goal. But it's definitely a slog if you want to keep going. I try to stay out of the ex-JW activist drama too and kind of keep to myself as much as possible. But it isn't easy to do something like this long term.

  • smiddy3

    1234 ,and DOC ,pretty much sums up the reason I post on here ,and I certainly haven`t experienced the hurt and anger that a lot of people have expressed ,thankfully.

    I was a convert and the only family that did have anything to do with the religion were basically brought in by me and now except for one niece they have all left the JW`s.That`s about 10 people who have no interest at all in sites like this they all have productive lives to lead and are happy to be free .

    For me it`s just an interest to communicate with you guys and hope that I help someone along the way.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    over the years ive been a member here i have noticed the changes--some obvious--some subtle. the anti jw activists have mainly gone--or been chucked out. the site has mellowed --a lot--recently, towards the watchtower society--which is now not considered a cult any more. I sometimes get the feeling that the watchtower is--in fact--running this show. Has the site been subject to heavy legal threats $$$$ ?

    in fact--if my a/c here gets deleted--i think i'm on to something.

    your thoughts ?

  • smiddy3

    Are you OK stan ? Are you sure your OK ??

    Are we on the same forum ? I have no indications whatsoever that what you are saying/indicating has any element of truth in it ?

    Would you care to elaborate on any of these claims you have made ? its pretty serious you know to make such claims with no evidence to back up what you are inferring.?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i'm fine, Smid.

    ive no intention of going in to detail--either you noticed it--or you havent. no big deal.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    There is never going to be a reformed JW organization. That is what some were hopibg for. When they were wrong they were still right. Later they will blame us for thinking they were wrong, the rest will be disappointed again by new light

  • thedepressedsoul

    I think for some, to truly move on, they have to leave this all behind.

    They hit a point in their journey where they no longer care about JW's, what they're doing or what's going on inside the organization. They have truly moved on to something else.

    This doesn't work and isn't for everyone. Each person deals and moves forward in their own way. I wouldn't consider them dropped off, but they've decide it's time to move on to the next thing.

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