Nosey elders and Pioneer wife's

by Foolednomore 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • GabeAthouse

    Brings back memories. I remember the sort of looks and whispered judgemental comments when someone would purchase a 2 door instead of a 4 door. Not a good field service vehicle so they must be 'spiritually weak'.

  • Foolednomore

    Speaking of trucks- we have a small trucking business. You would be surprised on how many requests for free moves we get from JW'S. They walk away disappointed. We are not a charity.

  • hoser

    In retrospect I think the people buying non field service friendly vehicles were the smart ones. They didn’t wear out their cars as quickly. Some kid spilling his orange pop on my new cloth interior doesn’t seem as appealing as it used to.

  • LongHairGal


    In addition to somebody’s kid spilling something on your interior, what about somebody saying that when you turned a corner their neck ‘hurt’?

    When a certain sister said this years ago I saw aggravation I didn’t need and told her I could bring her right back to the hall if she wanted..It wasn’t often but it was stressful the few times I had ‘friends’ in my car having to worry about their likes and dislikes. I vowed never again.

    In this day and age in the world we live in, you’d have to be absolutely nuts having strangers in your car, in my opinion. I wonder if Witness FS is a thing of the past because of gas prices, etc.?

  • Foolednomore

    When I did field circus I had one partner I worked with all the time and only with. And yes, I made the mistake of having others ride in my car. Either I was going to fast, toke the corner to fast, broke to hard, always something. Even had someone ride them to do they errands. Don't give me a cent for gas. Cheapskate!

  • LongHairGal


    All this is just a reminder of unpleasant memories and that having dealings with Witnesses was an aggravation I certainly didn’t need and something that I would never again do in my life.👎

    My experience in the religion was a hard lesson learned - with some close calls..Like Thank God I wasn’t stupider than I was.. I never paid heed to anything said there.

    My observation: Anybody that puts themselves out for these people will learn that it is thankless and all for nothing.

  • HiddlesWife

    GOSSIPING is the motivating drive/factor for the nosiness from these Elduhrettes and MSettes. Also, they in turn tattletale this info to their husbands, sometimes in order to see DRAMA unfold in the congs. They are worse than the neighbors and the employees/coworkers on a person's job! 🤬

  • hoser

    Yes, gossiping is a huge problem in the congregation. The problem is when gossip turns into slander or outright lying.

  • Foolednomore
    Our family was the center of gossip in the hall. It was rumored by many in our hall in the US that we had organized crime roots. And with an Italian last name and money, the imaginations of those one's in the hall went over the top. Kind of funny what people think and come up with.

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